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um, Rev 21 i would prefer to get into in a diff context tbh, but imo you cant just ignore the rest of the Bible, the parts that dont fit, in interpreting that. So let it be funny for now, fine with me
It all fits for those who understand how to apply it. It will never fit for those who try to make it conform to their personal narrative.
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When i realized that Legion was about believers, a lot fell into place after that
What?!?! Legion was the name assumed by the demons in the man from Gaderea. Nothing suggests Legion was believers. That claim is total fiction.
So before one gets to Legion, i guess they have to understand the one about one’s last condition being worse than the first,

24When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’
25On its return, it finds the house swept clean and put in order.
26Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there. And the final plight of that man is worse than the first.”

Which tbh its just been too long since i attended an American congregation…but i dont recall the passage ever coming up in a sermon? I suspect it gets ignored or reasoned away too, but its a thing that (prolly almost invariably) happens to any believer, even if we never hear any going around admitting to being possessed by seven worse spirits, huh
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Where did you develop your view of scriptures? The reason I ask is because what you suggest is not supported by proper hermeneutics. Yes, I have heard preaching and teaching on Luke 11:24-26. It deals with a mans inability to clean himself up. Jesus was showing us that we need Him to make meaningful, permanent changes in our lives. Your repeated referral to Legion makes no sense either. From where I'm sitting, it appears that you're just making up stuff. So please tell me where you learned what you believe about the Bible.
Where did you develop your view of scriptures? The reason I ask is because what you suggest is not supported by proper hermeneutics. Yes, I have heard preaching and teaching on Luke 11:24-26. It deals with a mans inability to clean himself up. Jesus was showing us that we need Him to make meaningful, permanent changes in our lives. Your repeated referral to Legion makes no sense either. From where I'm sitting, it appears that you're just making up stuff. So please tell me where you learned what you believe about the Bible.
Ha well, idk if i could say anything that you could use right now, Scooter, sorry. We approach the Bible with biases, preconditions, beliefs…Paul puts it like having trained your senses to distinguish good from evil, where is it, 14But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil

See, so its one that “Paul” has constructed so as to sound like a compliment, yes? And its only with the understanding become like a little child that it can be really understood; i mean, the “trained to distinguish good from evil” is kind of a clue, and he does also mention “you have need of milk” but that is made to sound like a put-down, right. It takes a sort of leap to associate the “trained to distinguish good from evil” part with “eating the fruit” i guess

Fwiw this is employed a lot in the NT, OT idk so much, but we first start reading and invariably associate ourselves with like the Word coming from Jesus, right, we are the good guy, and the Bible takes advantage of that bias…its hard to associate self with Legion, and all of the “bad” parts lol. And milk and meat just dont mix, see, so as long as you seek facts and proof and hold beliefs (as absolute truths) about the Bible, like…well, an example would be accepting a verse that you are sure you understand, even if your understanding clashes with another v somewhere else?

If it clashes with another verse, then what do you do? In our congregations, they just ignore them, see, the vv that clash? Or i mean they usually find some way to reason them away, but that will inevitably clash somewhere else…anyway, that is a very difficult process to overcome, having (mentally) established beliefs (Apollos waters) that (naturally) fit with your mo or whatever, that are daily being reinforced by guys we call “minister” or “priest” or even “pastor,” positions of authority iow, plus all of our friends there too

Who all believe…basically the same thing that the entire rest of the world believes, see; Africans and Asians even tryna get “saved” now, right, i mean who in the world now does not accept some form of “believe in Jesus and get saved or you will go to hell after you have died?” and just ignore all the All go to the same place type vv. Muslims, even.

And the reasoning would be “Bc Christians are the successful badasses of the world, and i want to be with the winners” see, a natural human desire, to be the Centurion iow, which is so perfect bc they were the occupiers, they repped Law…and i mean you gotta have laws, right? Until you find a higher law, at least

So rather than pay any attention to me, tbh i would suggest paying attn to the Bible, the “contradictions,” since they are what can guide us to truth; rather than finding some justification for nullifying them, i mean. And i guess save No son of man may die for another’s sins for the end rather than the beginning maybe? idk. But the understanding of Why have You forsaken Me? will stop clashing with other vv, and youll lose all the “Yah could not look upon sin” jazz, i mean Yah went looking for Adam after he had sinned, right

So, change your mind might even mean “forget everything you know” or “have assumed” or something? Start with no preconceptions iow. Youll get to the snake on a pole eventually in Exodus, right? Approach him from there. Bc im wandering in the wilderness too, just like you…well, you may be in the Promised Land, lighting incense to Nehushtan, but whatever lol

Yikes, a book. Anyway, youre fine right where you are imo; you likely even have a better heart than me, and that is really what matters. Im smart, so im a jerk, see; you will prolly even have better interpretations pretty quickly, if you are actually seeking.
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Where did you develop your view of scriptures? The reason I ask is because what you suggest is not supported by proper hermeneutics.
and where does Hermen come from lol
Yes, I have heard preaching and teaching on Luke 11:24-26. It deals with a mans inability to clean himself up. Jesus was showing us that we need Him to make meaningful, permanent changes in our lives.
well, at a certain point when an unclean spirit comes out of a man might be associated with our notions of salvation, perhaps? And you kinda have to put together how Jesus’ followers often did not recognize Him, and the cleaning the outside of the cup stuff
Your repeated referral to Legion makes no sense either.
ha well he was really wanting to go with Jesus right
From where I'm sitting, it appears that you're just making up stuff. So please tell me where you learned what you believe about the Bible.
i initially ignored this bc it is the wrong frame from a certain pov; or, what do you think i “believe” about the Bible? Bc as near i can tell i dont have any of those.

So maybe if you stated what you felt my beliefs are about the Bible, i could address that maybe
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So rather than pay any attention to me, tbh i would suggest paying attn to the Bible, the “contradictions,” since they are what can guide us to truth
Well, I offered you an opportunity to discuss these so-called contradictions but you remained silent.

I asked you a very pointed question about your Biblical education and you gave me a word salad. So I will conclude you have no Biblical training at all and what you post are notions concocted from your own imagination. I wish you well with that but I do not deal in fiction. I concentrate on truths from the Bible. So if you have a question or concerns you would like to discuss I’ll be more than happy to correspond with you. But I cannot get into any discussions from make-believe.
So rather than pay any attention to me, tbh i would suggest paying attn to the Bible, the “contradictions,” since they are what can guide us to truth
Well, I offered you an opportunity to discuss these so-called contradictions but you remained silent.
well, or you just couldnt hear, which i understand ok. No son of man may die for another’s sins, still a contradiction as far as you are concerned, yes? Which i could even give you the progression; one usually starts by saying “it doesnt really say that,” or iow ignoring the spirit of the v, then maybe “but Jesus is different” whatever kinda way, etc

plus, lets be honest, you offered to…well, something other than discussion, see, not saying that i might not learn something, but its just a frame ive already spent a bunch of hours in ok
I asked you a very pointed question about your Biblical education and you gave me a word salad.
well, i did mention baptist, full gospel, charismatic, word of faith (under Tilton no less, we actually moved to N Dallas to attend his cong), pentecostal…but i did just edit in post 166, at the bottom, we could maybe approach it from that direction if you like
So I will conclude you have no Biblical training at all and what you post are notions concocted from your own imagination.
yet you cannot respond when i Quote Scripture, see, except to possibly regurgitate some justification, which trust me without fail will violate some other Scripture somewhere
I wish you well with that but I do not deal in fiction. I concentrate on truths from the Bible. So if you have a question or concerns you would like to discuss I’ll be more than happy to correspond with you.
well bless your heart lol, but see milk and meat just dont mix, so im not really seeking correspondence for any questions or concerns, at least right at the moment.

i mean stuff does still come up, and i seek correspondence then like anyone else would, so dont get me wrong
But I cannot get into any discussions from make-believe.
i understand ok, no probs; this is not really what i would call a discussion anyway. It does mark a first for me though, as i have never really gotten this far without getting frustrated. I have witnessed others who manage to simulate “discussion” for this, and tbh i even aspire to that level, since as you mention Word Salad is prolly just not going to be heard anyway

but in my experience the WS is often helpful to someone else, and tbh doing it this way just cuts down on the pm questions lol

knowledge brings sorrow, which i suggest that can easily amount to years, ok? Iow dont be afraid to experience the sorrow that knowledge brings, your sorrow will be turned into joy, only you have to experience the sorrow first i guess
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I noticed here that some points involve taking some of the Bible to be literal while other parts are non-literal. I think this point about "myths" in the Bible applies here:

What, in your opinion, was the worst way (or top 5 bad ways) in which Carrier handles evidence? I think the opposite is the case. I think most historical Jesus scholars (such as Bart Ehrman) would agree that much of what is attributed to Jesus is fictional. Bart Ehrman, a historicist, doesn’t think the Jesus really raised the dead or performed truly supernatural feats. The only question is in how much of Jesus’ story is fictional. Mythicists say “ALL of it” is fiction, where as secular historicists say that “MUCH of it” is made up, while evangelical Christians say… NONE of it is fictional.