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Yes, the Bible is full of apparent contradictions, which turn out to not be contradictory at all when understood, but the discussion often turns into a competition that im just not interested in, and we have better means to contemplate them anyway now, bc websites are devoted to the subject, where you can get several diff perspectives
I think many people have a similar view. That if we look at the holy book too closely, well, something useful in hard times just might evaporate.

We might call ourselves “religion nerds” ? ! ?

* interested in subject of religion, may or may not be religious ourselves, and perhaps not in traditional ways
Ever studied where that word came from? In Greek its female (duh), and there is no Hebrew equivalent. I forget how now, but i recall getting to “that done by repetition, rote, or ritual,” which struck me as a decent enough summary. There’s also several Scriptures that reflect that pov, at least apparently, which i say bc in typical Bible fashion the identity of the subject is obscured.

So, i mean obv i get what you mean by religion, and i even usually use it the same way, but really i drink a cup of coffee every morning, religiously
That is interesting that ancient Hebrew did not have a word for “religion.” Which was very much the ocean people’s thoughts swam in those days. With mysterious forces of nature and imperfect regularity of seasons and so forth.

PS. Do you think the ancient Israelites were more religious than most persons of the time?
man, thats a good question, idk. Ive read stuff that suggested that they werent but then naturally devolved into politics/religion after they chose kings over judges, and ive read stuff that suggested they were. We do have the “no more fruit form this tree” thing, and Hebrew being constructed the way it is is revealing of how they thought, i guess; youre aware of the thing where your language kinda dictates your thought patterns?

We describe according to appearances, whereas they describe according to more like actions or effects? And i guess thats unique enough that the Hebrews even abandoned speaking the language, adopting more popular dialects to like fit in or whatever? I was recommended a great book on that but i let it get away from me without reading it

I guess the concept of afterlife was foreign to them, so you would have to kinda question what role religion would have in that context? As…more than one Xtian believer has said in my hearing, “if i cant go to heaven after i die what is the point?” which, sorry Scooter, it just takes…a comprehensive lack of study to maintain imo, in light of all the Scripture about that.

But i also understand; bc no one in the CoSI is going to inform you about the CoSI, so there is that weird dynamic going on where you cant even talk about it? Up until about, idk, twenty years or so ago i was able to find some older pastors—one even Pentecostal, who told me about the CoSI and Apollos waters actually—who would admit in private, giving various reasons for why they didnt preach it from the pulpit, but they are mostly gone now i guess.

But i think a contemplation of the term religion, and how it arises, is informative there; as opposed to superstitions, which are kind of at least kin to religion, but by a diff path; iow (condensed) the ppl who first discover and invent prescribe certain whatever procedures for accomplishing some thing, and then their descendants forget the why and just memorize the how, and the more superstitious ppl—who really never knew and it was more like just magic to them—are kind of always sprinkled in and coloring the convo, and it seeps into religion and particularly the politics, maybe even first

Which minds me of a couple other really good books on the subject, but ive forgotten the titles, sorry. Anyway the point is that a “religion” can arise from a couple distinctly different pretty well defined paths, different but employed to comment on one another in this weird way…like, a polit/leader might make some ref to advanced knowledge (knowing his audience really cant grasp it) as if they were fluent in it (when they might barely understand it either, if at all) and thereby harness a sort of superstition about it

But we also have the thing about where ancient priests, even through early Catholicism, were the actual scientists? So ya, a nuanced question i guess, bc science and religion were connected in some intrinsic way, before they were supposedly disconnected? And science has gone on to kinda become its own religion now, right?

Plus, were scientists the ones trying to clear up superstitions, or the ones helping manufacture them? Both, as it turns out, with lots of shades in between
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Again, you are free to believe whatever you want, but when you present incorrect views of the Bible, I will point them out.
But Scooter, you point out few if any websites.

You could say, “Here’s a pretty good website which presents the mainstream Evangelical Christian view. although I disagree on a few details . . . “ — But No, you provide nothing of the sort.
My knowledge of the Bible does not come from a website. My knowledge comes from almost 30 years of study and experience. My library contains books from Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole, Warren Weirsbe, J. Vernon McGee, the multi volume Preachers Outline and Study Bible as well as numerous others. You are more than welcome to take what I offer and research it for yourself.
you might winder in passing how it is they never even broached the subject of CoSI tho
So all of my views are “theologically incorrect” but you cant specify any, fine.
I listed several incorrect theological views you have on post #32 of this thread. Again, you are free to believe whatever you want, but when you present incorrect views of the Bible, I will point them out.
well, your response to that was that all i had was imagination, but wikipedia has a thing on Hel, and the progression has already been traced by others, did hell come from norse/angle scribes? Has gotten a little harder to search, but i mean not a whole lot. Plus you can see that Abaddon etc are transliterated, and not even considered “hell,” so you would still have to point out how the view is incorrect

But also you dont have to, ok? You can believe that Hel is an accurate allegory for Gehenna if you like, eh. I am completely ok with that. Eternal can still mean “forever” to you, you can keep decorating trees at xmas and rolling eggs and bunnies and whatever fertility rites at Easter lol, none of that suddenly disappears bc of some guy on the web, right. I mean fertility rites at Oestre in “church” is how i first got laid lol. As i said i even sing “Here comes Santa Claus” with the rest of them…even if i just cant bring myself to decorate a tree anymore. Did i say that here? might have been Quora, idk

Anyway the point is i hate to give you the impression that you have to choose some position on my account…to die on some hill that you might later find youd like to change your mind on? Bc see really i am not free to believe what i want; i voluntarily subject my beliefs to a gauntlet, that i even include you in, lets say, and i actually seek the pointing out wherever i can find it

iow you might be right, let’s put it through the fire and see lol
Whether you want to call it Hell, Hades, Sheol, or Torment is of no consequence. It is a temporary holding place until the final judgment. After the Great White Throne Judgment nonbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire. The name is not as important as the reality of the place.
As…more than one Xtian believer has said in my hearing, “if i cant go to heaven after i die what is the point?”
I remember someone joking about two people in heaven. One was saying, “Don’t you ever wonder if there’s something more?”

Meaning, the afterlife needed an afterlife!
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As…more than one Xtian believer has said in my hearing, “if i cant go to heaven after i die what is the point?”
I remember someone joking about two people in heaven. One was saying, “Don’t you ever wonder if there’s something more?”

Meaning, the afterlife needed an afterlife!
ha, priceless
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So all of my views are “theologically incorrect” but you cant specify any, fine.
I listed several incorrect theological views you have on post #32 of this thread. Again, you are free to believe whatever you want, but when you present incorrect views of the Bible, I will point them out.
well, your response to that was that all i had was imagination, but wikipedia has a thing on Hel, and the progression has already been traced by others, did hell come from norse/angle scribes? Has gotten a little harder to search, but i mean not a whole lot. Plus you can see that Abaddon etc are transliterated, and not even considered “hell,” so you would still have to point out how the view is incorrect

But also you dont have to, ok? You can believe that Hel is an accurate allegory for Gehenna if you like, eh. I am completely ok with that. Eternal can still mean “forever” to you, you can keep decorating trees at xmas and rolling eggs and bunnies and whatever fertility rites at Easter lol, none of that suddenly disappears bc of some guy on the web, right. I mean fertility rites at Oestre in “church” is how i first got laid lol. As i said i even sing “Here comes Santa Claus” with the rest of them…even if i just cant bring myself to decorate a tree anymore. Did i say that here? might have been Quora, idk

Anyway the point is i hate to give you the impression that you have to choose some position on my account…to die on some hill that you might later find youd like to change your mind on? Bc see really i am not free to believe what i want; i voluntarily subject my beliefs to a gauntlet, that i even include you in, lets say, and i actually seek the pointing out wherever i can find it

iow you might be right, let’s put it through the fire and see lol
Whether you want to call it Hell, Hades, Sheol, or Torment is of no consequence. It is a temporary holding place until the final judgment. After the Great White Throne Judgment nonbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire. The name is not as important as the reality of the place.
well Scooter, if you take the Bible at all seriously you might consider the part about digging a pit for others to fall into, and i think ive given you enough evidence that the Bible doesnt support any of that once you look, but thats up to you i guess. Merry X ok

i think ive given you enough evidence that the Bible doesnt support any of that once you look, but thats up to you i guess. Merry X ok
You have not provided any evidence at all. You have offered a lot of opinions, but that is about all. Merry Christmas to you as well as we celebrate the Savior’s birth.
I guess the concept of afterlife was foreign to them [ancient Hebrews], so you would have to kinda question what role religion would have in that context?
I’m been scared of death off and on, I guess, pretty much my whole life. When I was age 6, I asked my Dad if people dreamed when they were dead. He said no.

So yeah, I’m interested that the ancient Hebrews didn’t exactly worry about it all that much. Please tell me a little more if you can.

I mean, the ancient Egyptians certainly worried about the afterlife a lot.
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You have not provided any evidence at all.
You yourself don’t provide much evidence.

For example, you could give a page number from Josh McDowell’s “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” or a YouTube video. His son Sean McDowell is also in the business of providing reasons for the Christian faith.

Or . . .

I think the group “Young Life” is mainstream evangelical group. I actually think they’re “bait and switch” because they present themselves as Christianity lite and wholesome fun, but at their weeklong Summer camps, it’s a pretty heavy push for people to convert.

All the same, I think they have an extensive website, and you could use that to back up some of your viewpoints. and give people links for further reading, etc.
You yourself don’t provide much evidence.

For example, you could give a page number from Josh McDowell’s “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” or a YouTube video
I did not gain my education from Wikipedia or a YouTube video. I went to Seminary. I have a bachelor degree in Biblical Studies. I recently resumed working on a Masters degree. I study my Bible everyday. In my library I read from Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole, Warren Weirsbe, J.Vernon McGee, Augustus Strong and numerous others. Now, if you want me to put page numbers down, I can do that. Do you have all six volumes of Matthew Henry’s commentary so you can verify my evidence? If you don’t have the same resources I have, how do you plan to verify my positions if I do put page numbers down?
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