No offence Sir. The mere act of baptism in some branches of Christianity like Lutheran covers that. Your past sins and past Personna are washed away, you are new as a born child as well as forgiven.
Some folks I know who are Souther Baptist use the terms "saved" and "Personal relation ship" with Christ but not the St Marks Lutheran's.
Thank you for your response. No where in scripture does baptism save anyone. Baptism always follows salvation. Even the baptisms of John Baptist did not save anyone. John pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away sin of the world. Sin is washed away by the blood of Jesus and nothing else.
Jesus told Nicodemus “You must be born again.” He said it is imperative to be born again. Jesus never taught we are to be baptized for salvation. Baptism is a public testimony that a believer has identified with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who teach salvation through baptism are teaching a false doctrine.