I think the biggest hit that Christianity has taken is from science and on social issues, especially issues involving LGBT. In many cases, science has shown that the Christian beliefs are wrong on the origin of the Universe and on various issues relating to LGBT.
I couldn’t disagree more. Neither science nor any other discipline has shown the Bible wrong on any issue. In fact, creation is the strongest evidence for God. Life cannot come from non-life. For every effect there is a cause. And God is the cause for creation. If the Big Bang is true, something had to cause the bang. Even a stick of dynamite will not explode on its own. Something has to set it off.
As far as the LGBT movement is concerned, homosexuality is a choice people make. Science has never produced a gay gene that would prove people are born gay. Science fails to support homosexuality as anything other than a choice.
So the issue then is young people are being taught these falsehoods instead of the truth. They are being indoctrinated instead of educated. Why trust the Bible when the professor gives “evidence” that the Bible is wrong? The truth is the professor is being deceitful and leading many young people astray. Evidence does not teach nor suggest anything. It is man’s interpretation of the evidence that suggests certain positions.