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um fwiw there is still an arg that in that context Paul might have meant what we now refer to as Scripture; being a letter to a Church, etc i havent pursued it, the def of gramme has surely drifted, what would Paul have…conceptualized when he used that term (in writing), did he use gramme in other contexts? Was the diff deliberate?

Thats all like, scholar stuff that tbh i rely on guys like you to correct me if im wrong lol
All important to consider. 2 Tim 3:15 is dependent on what Scripture meant at that time and not what we have now. For instance, the Catholic Bible has a few more books than the Christian Bible. And the Ethiopian Bible has way more books in their Scripture than them.

It's also with noting which manuscripts we are referring to since we don't have the originals.
Paul’s use of graphe—which he does do, more than ten times, if i recall correctly—is usually or always attributed to what we now call OT, i think? Seems like there are maybe one or two graphe refs by him of some NT writer too, though

The chief Ethiopian claim is, i think, concerning a book of Enoch? Which i guess the argument for denying it as Bible mostly concerns its lack of ancient copies (witnesses). Enoch almost surely had a book or two, being such an important early father, but that we have no agreeing copies of an ancient one, which is usually the standard. And the reason why kinda eventually becomes clear imo; what is Enoch most famous for? Doesnt it seem like a guy, such a colorful guy, would have had a more dedicated following/readership?

Also, the copies that do survive put the authorship way later than Enoch’s era, i think? Plus, i mean just read it? All writings (at the time) might have been useful for instruction etcetc but imo the Ethiopian Enoch ends up being…useful via the left hand, say? Almost a primer in how not to write wisdom literature lol…but thats just imo ok, not saying that there isnt any wisdom in it, but there is a bunch of assertions made that are not witnessed in any other work

Which i recall ended up kinda helping me form my standard for truth, the Enoch thing. Im not so interested in changing anyone elses mind, and obv ppl have many various beliefs that must conform to their standard of truth, right? What is truth? That ends up being up to you, sort of, point being that its prolly a good idea to formalize some personal standard for it, particularly being a*gnostic, which can easily be perceived as like wishy washy or undecisive, as imo the current cultural definition even indicates, “doesnt know if there is a God or not,” which btw drives me nuts since that can be assumed anyway lol, its just the height of retarded for a definition, imo; no one knows that, we only have ppl who say that they know, might even be convinced that they know, but they have no objective evidence, right?

i would even argue that anyone who says that they know should be avoided like the plague, not bc they say that they know but bc they will inevitably have a (prolly pretty detailed) description and definition of God? Which dont get me wrong here, i dont doubt that there is a God, but can i comprehend even His Name? AEOU?
Maybe you could splain how you think it is that Paul could interact/travel to these other wisdom schools—and be the apostle to the gentiles—and not make some comments about their philosophy? Which might guide me to some helpful resources
Again, what makes you think he did? Where is the evidence? What comments do you think he made that was from some other schools of wisdom? Paul was an educated man and I’m sure he was familiar with various beliefs, but none of these beliefs married into his faith in Christ. Your assertion that he did puzzles me.
well no offense Scooter but CoSI puzzles you too right? Meaning im not really sure what to say to that. Lotta stuff ive never heard of too. I mean, go with what you know, bro, and stick with “All Scripture…” at 2Tim3:16 regardless of the gramme there, for as long as you want to too! lol

anyway, his comments are plain enough in the first (of today’s) links, i think? Which again they are often commentary in disagreement on them, on some small or vital point, so while i might say they are imported they are often more like adapted, or at least addressed.

Jesus did the same with Jewish schools, of which there were many. No, you dont have to accept that if you prefer not to. Gotta run, have a good day k
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Maybe you could splain how you think it is that Paul could interact/travel to these other wisdom schools—and be the apostle to the gentiles—and not make some comments about their philosophy? Which might guide me to some helpful resources
Again, what makes you think he did? Where is the evidence? What comments do you think he made that was from some other schools of wisdom? Paul was an educated man and I’m sure he was familiar with various beliefs, but none of these beliefs married into his faith in Christ. Your assertion that he did puzzles me.
well no offense Scooter but CoSI puzzles you too right? I mean, go with what you know, bro, and stick with “All Scripture…” at 2Tim3:16 regardless of the gramme there, for as long as you want to too! lol

anyway, his comments are plain enough in the first (of today’s) links, i think? Which again they are often commentary in disagreement on them, on some small or vital point, so while i might say they are imported they are often more like adapted, or at least addressed.

Jesus did the same with Jewish schools, of which there were many. No, you dont have to accept that if you prefer not to. Gotta run, have a good day k
Ok, so you cannot support your claim. That’s all you needed to say.
Christians dont believe in reincarnation, right? Yet we have reincarnation in the Bible
Where would that be?
ha, youre kidding, right
ah, well, hmm. John Baptist, with a commentary—if you will—at the transfiguration, which, since you prolly wont, id prefer not to get into with you right now. Gotta run bye
John the Baptist was not at the Mount of Transfiguration. You have demonstrated that you don’t know the Bible very well at all. With your false claims about the Bible laid bare, I don’t blame you for running off for a while.
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14And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.g

and Moses and Elijah, himself now, at the transfiguration, which commentary i guess would be pointless to get into here right now
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Christians dont believe in reincarnation, right? Yet we have reincarnation in the Bible
Where would that be?
ha, youre kidding, right
ah, well, hmm. John Baptist, with a commentary—if you will—at the transfiguration, which, since you prolly wont, id prefer not to get into with you right now. Gotta run bye
John the Baptist was not at the Mount of Transfiguration. You have demonstrated that you don’t know the Bible very well at all. With your false claims about the Bible laid bare, I don’t blame you for running off for a while.
ha, you got it bad, huh? Me irdc if you discredit, Scooter, but at a certain point you might contemplate whether you are fighting God with this stuff? I understand that i have brought this out in you, ok, and i apologize for any baldn…lack of politic? which i def dont mean personally, ok. I just…didnt get that gene, or whatever, and trust me its a larger burden than you might imagine

so all things considered its prolly best if we discontinue this correspondence? I feel like im causing you to sin now, and maybe both of our times might be spent more productively, ok? Best of luck to you
so all things considered its prolly best if we discontinue this correspondence? I feel like im causing you to sin now, and maybe both of our times might be spent more productively, ok? Best of luck to you
That’s your call. If you post false information about the Bible I will point it out again.