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The Bible is full of prophecies. Some prophecies amount to warnings from God regarding present day matters. But then, some would say that there are also prophecies that speak to future times. If this is the case, then that would be solid evidence for God's existence. Of course, it depends on how specific the prophecy is, the more specific the better it is to confirm that it's valid!

For Debate
Does the Bible have any predictive prophecies? Was the nation of Israel being reestablished one of them?
The whole book of the Revelation is prophecy. One event in Revelations speaks of loudly to me. Chapter 11 verses 1-10 speak of two witnesses who will be on the earth preaching the Gospel. They will be killed and their bodies will lie in the street for 3 and a half days. The Bible says people all over the earth shall see their bodies and rejoice. Now, when this was written, this would have been impossible. Even 50-60 years ago this would have been impossible. We now have satellites where we can live stream from all over the world. It is very easy to understand how people in America can see dead bodies in the streets of Jerusalem. To me, this is a prophecy that seems probable.
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I like your point. Reading through that passage, I thought that these two witnesses were symbolic for something, but now I see it as being the other way around where it's the "two lampstands" and "two olive trees" that are symbolic for the two literal witnesses. Interestingly, in those passages these witnesses are said to have some special ability like being able to control the rain and use fire in some special way.

The most relevant point is what you brought up regarding everyone being able to see them, which is only recently that we have the technology for that to happen via Satellite and tv/computer/cellphones.

I also like the mark of the beast section in Revelation and the antichrist. I could imagine one guy coming into power being able to unify all nations and making everyone be implanted with something to be able to buy and sell.

The tricky thing about the book of Revelations is knowing how literal to take it.
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In your view, when would you say that the events in Revelation chapter 11 will take place? In 10 years? 20? or much later?
The events in chapter 11 take place during the seven years of the Great Tribulation. I know that much, I just don’t know when the tribulation starts. It could be within the next ten to twenty years. It could be sooner or later. I personally believe it could begin any day.
The tricky thing about the book of Revelations is knowing how literal to take it.
One easy way to determine literal or figurative is to look for the words “like” and “as”. When John saw something he hadn’t seen before he used “like” and “as” to describe it by comparing it to what was already recognized by his readers. This of course doesn’t cover everything in Revelations but it does help.
The events in chapter 11 take place during the seven years of the Great Tribulation. I know that much, I just don’t know when the tribulation starts. It could be within the next ten to twenty years. It could be sooner or later. I personally believe it could begin any day.
We will have to wait until that happens then, but at least the prophecy is specific enough to be verifiable. Other times, prophecies are some times vague and can be interpreted many ways to make it fit whatever scenario.

Here's some interesting information about who the two witnesses might be in Revelation 11:
(2) Enoch and Elijah are seen as possibilities for the two witnesses because of the unique circumstances surrounding their exit from the world. Enoch and Elijah, as far as we know, are the only two individuals whom God has taken directly to heaven without experiencing death (Genesis 5:23; 2 Kings 2:11). Proponents of this view point to Hebrews 9:27, which says that all men are appointed to die once. The fact that neither Enoch nor Elijah has yet experienced death seems to qualify them for the job of the two witnesses, who will be killed when their job is done. In addition, both Enoch and Elijah were prophets who pronounced God’s judgment (1 Kings 17:1; Jude 1:14–15).
Source: GotQuestions
I cannot say for certain who the two prophets are, but I too lean towards Enoch and Elijah.
I cannot say for certain who the two prophets are, but I too lean towards Enoch and Elijah.
Let's explore this more.

So we have two guys that God sends to the world and they are referred to as "witnesses" in Revelations chapter 11. I'm asking myself how would we know if these guys should be taken seriously as opposed to some fraudsters? Or maybe some will take them seriously but think of them as visitors from another planet? A first contact type of event?!

I should also say that I'm looking for any biblical prophecies that have already occurred after the prophecies were written about.
Should the two witnesses be taken seriously or are they frauds? Well, we’re told that if anyone tried to harm them, fire comes down from Heaven and kills their enemies. Also, the two witnesses have the power to stop the rain, turn water into blood and strike the earth with any plague they choose. Yeah, I’d say they should be taken seriously.

If you want to see prophecies fulfilled, just look at Jesus. His birth by a virgin, in the city of Bethlehem was prophesied hundreds of years earlier. His death by crucifixion was foretold. The fact that none of His bones would be broken was prophesied. I can’t remember the exact number but there are numerous prophecies fulfilled by Jesus.
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