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Let me ask you this. What evidence would you need to convince you that animal behavior can be used to some degree to understand human behavior?
Honestly, there is no evidence from the animal kingdom that I would even consider in order understand human behavior, and I'll tell you why. Again, I believe mankind is above animals because we are created in the image and likeness of God. Also, He has already provided all the information we need in order to live properly...the Bible. Then He personally demonstrated how to live through Jesus Christ. If I have a question or concern about how to handle a situation, I won't watch Wild Kingdom in order to get an answer. Instead, I'll read my Bible and see what God says and see how Jesus dealt with a similar situation. Unfortunately, we are seeing the effect of so many people acting like animals.
Honestly, there is no evidence from the animal kingdom that I would even consider in order understand human behavior, and I'll tell you why.
That is one big difference between my thinking and yours. As an agnostic, I'm always open to evidence, and that's the case even if I think I'm right. Your thinking rests on the Bible always being right, and that leaves you closed off to evidence that conflicts with the Bible.

The way I would compare the two standards to see which one is better is by asking what's the best way of getting to the truth or to ensure that what you claim is correct. If I'm always open to evidence no matter where it leads, then I'll be in a better position to notice if I'm wrong, and to update my view with the new information. If I took your view, then some obvious problems i see is that it can lead to confirmation bias, where you only accept evidence that is consistent with your belief, and if there is evidence that does disprove it, you will likely ignore it.
But there is nothing to disprove the Bible. Men have tried for centuries to disprove the Bible and they have failed miserably. There is no evidence that conflicts with the Bible. There may be interpretations of evidence that contradicts the Bible, but interpretations are just opinions.
But there is nothing to disprove the Bible. Men have tried for centuries to disprove the Bible and they have failed miserably. There is no evidence that conflicts with the Bible. There may be interpretations of evidence that contradicts the Bible, but interpretations are just opinions.
There may not be anything false. Either way I'm only speaking in principle. I think it is reasonable to have something in place to detect some falsehood or inaccuracy just in case. Testing claims is one way. Considering evidence that may point to something to the contrary is another way.
Do not lie; do not murder; do not steal; do not cheat on your spouse; feed the hungry; clothe the naked; visit the fatherless; take care of widows; love your enemies. If we taught children these principles instead of telling them we need to learn how to live by watching animals, I personally believe the world would be a better place.

If we looked at history as evidence, I think we can see a drastic change in America once Biblical principles were stopped being taught in public schools. Up until the 60’s America was a country of hard work, honesty, harmony and respect for authority. Once prayer and Bible study were removed we now have a nation of lazy, entitled, disrespectful, violent, and selfish citizens. So I believe I’ll stick with the tried and proven path of following the Bible instead of living like an animal.
Just had a convo on this topic at work, although I shouldn't ended well though.

I think one important thing to keep in mind for Christians is why God is against same-sex relations. If the Christian claims it's because same-sex relations causes harm, then they will likely lose that argument. If they try to bring up all types of negatives, just to find negatives, then that will become apparent, and you might be labelled homophobic. As I brought up here and elsewhere, to say that same-sex relations are wrong and to not be a bigot or unreasonable, would depend on why you believe it is wrong, or not bringing up a reason that is clearly false.

I also think that the LGBT side should also be conscious of not labelling everything as bigotry and homophobia. When that label is misused or overused, then it can come off as an attempt to demonize and silence your opponent.
Why is God against same sex relations? Simply because it goes against His design for sex. It's for the same reason He is against adultery, fornication and other sexual deviations. God's design for sex is to be between a husband and his wife. Anything outside of this is a sin. Matthew 19:4-6 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
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