think the team is too LGBT friendly or maybe they refused to stand for the US national anthem
As a man of the world, yes, you’re making a great judgment call as far as what’s motivating the criticism.
But regarding people taking an “anti-” view . . .
Holy Cow, it’s like being against a football team in the 1960s because they have a black athlete and they’re in favor of equal rights.
And then, the American team stood in a normal and respectful way during the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Just like I’ve seen many athletes stand during football’s Super Bowl and baseball’s World Series.
The anti’s might be remembering a previous time when the soccer team took a knee. Meaning, the anti’s are agitating themselves all up over something inaccurate.
[and, what’s new on that count?]
The American team was criticized for not singing in unison like the Vietnamese team. But the New York Yankees and the Dallas Cowboys don’t sing the National Anthem in unison.
The anti’s are looking for things to be against.
Maybe as a former communist nation, Vietnam puts more emphasis on group activity. Vietnam in fact had their “glasnost” period several years before Gorbachev allowed this in the Soviet Union. Meaning, a long time ago. Vietnam’s economy is currently viewed as one of “Tiger Cub” economies in Asia. And more power to them. I hope things continue going well for them.
But, we don’t have to do things like them. If we have a broader view of a normal, respectful response to the Star-Spangled Anthem, that’s fine. You can either sing along
[and some people are embarrassed about singing because they don’t think they sing well!]. Or, you can respectfully stand.
And since we put a lot of emphasis on the individual, it’s probably a good thing that a range of approaches are viewed as normal and regular.