I’ve heard of the concept of leadership by being the first follower . . .

So, right after we crash and we stabilize the wounded, maybe a loud-mouthed individual really wants the group to get going and get rolling and having a shelter built by midnight. Let’s do it! :)

Maybe someone else speaks up and says we need to build a shelter to signal a plane. Let’s do that, too. :)

People jump in and do what they think is most important. Let’s not be bogged down by perfectionism.
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If I became one of the informal leaders because I have a lot of energy and a fellow passenger came to me . . .

and said they wanted to put together a church service Sunday morning, I might suggest

• the Lord’s Prayer

• the 23rd Psalm, and

• the song “Amazing Grace.”

But whatever they want to do is fine with me.
• and maybe the “Road to Emmaus,”

that you’ll never know who you’re going to meet and how important they’ll become to you
The Pagan wedding looks more human and more whole hearted. It’s still not perfect, for there’s this business about the duty of protection passing from father to husband. In the modern age, the wife can be just as good with weapons as the husband. And each spouse can protect the other, in all kinds of ways.

The Pagan couple is also older.

And although younger couples can develop rich and trusting relationships, I think there are advantages to be older.
possible rescue signal —

If we have a parachute, we can use a fire to build a hot air balloon. We can attach shiny things to the outside of the balloon. We can attach a red cloth every 100 feet of the rope. The human eye has a way of connecting the dots. And we certainly don’t want to endanger the plane which might rescue us!
I used to be against Muslim persons. I thought they were too religious. In addition, there was the capturing of American hostages by “students” in Iran back in 1979, when I was 16.

But as I got older I thought this through. Most Muslims just like most Christians are not particularly religious. Most people in general limit religion to a subset of life and don’t try to bootstrap it to the whole thing.

September 11th and the flying of planes into the Twin Towers was a HUGE BLOW, NO QUESTION. This was the World Trade Towers in New York. Plus, another plane was intended for the Pentagon. This was a ground target so the hijackers largely missed, but still a lot of loss of life. Another plane was hijacked intended for the White House. The passengers learned thru their cell phones that other planes had been hijacked and had a pretty good idea what was going on. They took a vote and stormed the cockpit. This was the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.

All this is still pretty raw.

There was a guy on the radio who said, How can someone call themselves a Muslim and do something like this? It sounded like he was a Muslim and was sincere.

I’m going to choose to focus on the good.

Plus, my Mom’s cardiologist is a Muslim.

So now, I’m taking the view that Islam is a pretty straight-forward monotheistic religion.
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if I’m one of the informal leaders, and a Muslim person comes to me and suggests a prayer before dinner,

I’m going to be favorable,

I’m going to read the beginning- Yes, it looks good.

Well, you haven’t read the whole thing.

Well, I don’t want to do it right in front of you. Kind of like looking a gift horse in the mouth.

And maybe we laugh a little appreciating each other and starting to like each other.




maybe the conclusion is that I neatly copy the prayer down with the plan of first asking the leader I judge as most likely to object. Asking him or her first as a sign of respect.
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This year 2000 movie certainly had its scenes and moments. The main character Chuck made the volleyball into a God or friend and called it “Wilson,” just so he’d have someone to talk to.

But for my scenario . . .

I’m envisioning about a 100 survivors from the plane crash.
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