Multicolored Lemur

Well-known member
Atheist / Agnostic
Nov 23, 2021
And we might have a brief Sunday service, with songs. Especially with songs.

I’m not going to tell anyone I’m an atheist, not unless I’m having a personal “one on one” conversation with someone, and they really want to know in a good way.

I am going to help organize an effort that people can write notes to loved ones, and we can store and label these on the outside. Now, maybe some of our group doesn’t want to write notes as part of keeping the faith that we will be rescued. And that’s fine, too.
We need to front-load our rescue attempt.

We need to build a big fire. And we need to figure, What is the earliest chance they’ll have a plane in the air? And that’s when we need to start laying the plane’s tires onto the fire. Really get some black smoke going.

One by one. Rationing these tires, because the whole grid search may take days.

And two smaller fires, with all 3 in a line. That way, if a plane spots the big one and comes closer, the pilot we see this is three smokestacks in a row. This isn’t caused by nature. This is human beings.
The Sunday service should be at a picturesque place maybe 100 yards or so from camp. People are invited to attend. But we’re not foisting it upon them.
All good ideas, Lemur. I'll try to answer mostly by explaining the role that religion would play in that scenario.

I can see religion play a role to maintain hope and keeping that mindset open for endless possibilities, even expecting a miracle. This is in contrast to the religionists that only want to look to God or the atheists that only want to look to their brain. Why not do all of the above?!

I wouldn't oppose any Sunday Service, but nor would I pressure anyone into it. Hek, I'd even attend just to look for inspiration. Then again, I'd also attend any Buddhists services. Maybe if I meditate, that could also help relieve stress in such a scenario.

All of the other things you bring up about supplies, starting a fire, etc.. are also a must.
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All of the other things you bring up about supplies, starting a fire, etc.. are also a must.
And for the movie to “work,” the plane’s radio needs to be badly damaged. But there’s a man or woman among the survivors who has some level of experience and who thinks they might be able to fix it, outside chance. Recruits a couple of assistants from among the other passengers. Maybe pulls wire from the plane to make a really big antenna.

There’s likely to be some food or water on the plane, but probably not enough.
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@Multicolored Lemur

That makes for a good plot. Having atheist and Christian characters would be good drama as well! I could think of some lines, but I'm not a good storyteller... plus I'd probably just end up with stereotypes just like in the movie God is not Dead - which gave us the mean Atheist that is upset with God vs. the loving/strong faith Christian.
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in the movie God is not Dead - which gave us the mean Atheist that is upset with God vs. the loving/strong faith Christian.
probably better to have the atheist defend the Christian! :p

Maybe another passenger thinks the Christian is a “holier than thou” type and barks at him, or her.

same gender probably works better, man barking at another man, or woman at another woman

And the atheist interjects and says —

Hey, it’s going to be tough on us. And we’re all going to have to cut each other some slack
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Can't put too many Christians in there, then you'd have to get rid of all the liquor - unless someone sneaks a drink :whistle:
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Can't put too many Christians in there, then you'd have to get rid of all the liquor - unless someone sneaks a drink :whistle:
This reminds me of an old joke about Baptists!

If you invite one Baptist friend fishing, he or she’s likely to drink all your beer! But if you invite two Baptists friends, they’re hardly going to drink anything because they don’t want to look bad in front of the other Baptist.

I’m sorry, but it’s a funny joke. :p
  • Haha
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another signaling device —

If some parts of the airplane are broken off and are shiny metallic, we can drag them to the top of a small hill and place them at different angels. Hopefully, a passing plane will see a sparkle of light, fly on, another sparkle of light.

Maybe they get curious and circle closer, see the line of smoke rising from the big fire.

Come closer still, and see the smoke from the two smaller fires, all three lines of smoke in a row.

“Hey there’re humans down there!”

Hopefully ! ! !


We’re going to also need to take care of wounded passengers. I have a little first aid knowledge. Maybe there are other people on board with even more medical knowledge.
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