I wonder why prostitution is still illegal in a lot of countries. Porn involves women having sex for money, and these women are being made to do it on camera. That's legal so why not prostitution.

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Should prostitution be legal? (Sorry to bring this up on a Sunday out of all days ;))
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Should prostitution be legal?
I think it should be legal under the conditions that the women are not being trafficked, and that it's only between consenting adults. Some might say that it devalues women, and I can understand that. A prostitute would not be considered marriage material by plenty of people, but plenty of women in that line of work may not care for marriage anyways, especially if they know a lot of their clients are married men. After seeing that they may get turned off by marriage anyways.
I wonder why prostitution is still illegal in a lot of countries. Porn involves women having sex for money, and these women are being made to do it on camera. That's legal so why not prostitution.

For Debate...
Should prostitution be legal? (Sorry to bring this up on a Sunday out of all days ;))
Um. no. Porn is worse than prostitution because you are advertising sex for the whole world to see. Just knowing that teens can get exposed to that stuff makes me sick to my stomach. Then we wonder why young men are not treating women right.
Um. no. Porn is worse than prostitution because you are advertising sex for the whole world to see. Just knowing that teens can get exposed to that stuff makes me sick to my stomach. Then we wonder why young men are not treating women right.
Yes, that's a good point. I wouldn't be for banning pornography because I do think it is healthy in some cases. But I do think we need to acknowledge its potential harmful effects, as well, especially on younger populations. I've read plenty of studies that show that too much porn can potentially lead some men to engage in riskier behaviors, perhaps trying out what they are seeing depicted in porn.

Adolescence (ages 10-19 years) is a period of marked physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development [1]. Curiosity and experimentation are common in the context of adolescent psychosexual development [2], and adolescents who experience healthy relationships are more likely to have healthy relationships in their young adulthood [3].

In adults and older populations of young adults, quantitative studies have demonstrated associations between pornography exposure and behaviors such as sex with multiple partners and condomless sex and sex during intoxication [7,8]. Qualitative and mixed methods studies have also supported this association [9-12].
Source: Exposure to Pornography and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Systematic Review - PMC (nih.gov)

I recommend that people stay away from porn if they are not mature enough, both mentally and in age, to realize that porn should not be emulated (not in all cases it shouldn't) in real life. Porn is often idealized depictions, a lot of it is staged to make it highly appealing to its audience.
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Porn is worse than prostitution because you are advertising sex for the whole world to see. Just knowing that teens can get exposed to that stuff makes me sick to my stomach. Then we wonder why young men are not treating women right.
You might like this law, especially if it goes national:
A North Carolina law will require pornographic website operators to confirm viewers are at least 18 years old by using a commercially available database. The law lets parents sue companies if their children were allowed to access the pornography. Another new Illinois law will allow lawsuits from victims of deepfake pornography, in which videos or images are manipulated without their consent.
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/states-set-enact-laws-guns-050712932.html

About time!