We had originally a pack of 7 shepherds. 3 purchased and 4 rescues. The hardest part of owning a dog is their end of life. It's so hard to decide. Thanks for caring.
We had originally a pack of 7 shepherds. 3 purchased and 4 rescues. The hardest part of owning a dog is their end of life. It's so hard to decide. Thanks for caring.
i was in permaculture in my last life, ok second to last now, and we had a peacock chick, and as you might have already noted i am not the most empathetic person generally speaking (asperger’s). Anyway, for whatever reason animals i have always treated as equals, like even pidgeons on the street id walk around, etc, although if you asked me i would never have admitted to any special bond with animals.
So it struck me as weird that i was able to understand (via his warning chirp, i guess) that this peacock did not like being grabbed, and i would just set my hand down flat on the bottom of his cage when it was time for him to come out, which he climbed right onto, like from day one, when he could not have even recognized me yet or anything.
dunno how well i told this, but the other people in the shed who witnessed it were somehow awestruck at this very small exchange