As with any controversial view, I find it helpful to preface my statements to tamp down on any pushback for simply offering an unpopular view (eventhough it's possible for the unpopular view to be backed by evidence). I strongly accept that Russia was in the wrong to invade Ukraine. I also believe that Ukraine is in the right to defend itself. Given all of that, I think that it has come to a time for the US to stop supporting Ukraine's war efforts. I also would say that we should focus our efforts on a peace deal.
There are two main reasons I take my position. The first reason is that I don't believe that we are doing everything we can to help Ukraine win. If we really wanted Ukraine to win, then we would make them a member of NATO and/or send them all of the weapons and manpower that they need to repel Russia. Thus far, we have not done so. We are trying to win the hard way, on Putin's terms, it seems. These actions amount to a political war, and not a real fight. I suspect Ukraine would say the same but they fear biting the hand that feeds them.
Another reason for my position is that the US does not have an endless amount of resources and money. It seems that the US is willing to spend whatever it takes to support an entire country while we are not doing the same for our own country. The more Russia destroys Ukrainian infrastructure, then the more we have to spend. . Sure, some government officials may say that we're not sending that much, but that is only up to the point that people, including the American citizens, start to complain or that this becomes unpopular. Recent polls are starting to show some wavering in the support for funding Ukraine. Here's a CNN report on that:
For Debate...
Do you agree that we should stop supporting the War in Ukraine? Are the above reasons reasonable? Your thoughts, please!
There are two main reasons I take my position. The first reason is that I don't believe that we are doing everything we can to help Ukraine win. If we really wanted Ukraine to win, then we would make them a member of NATO and/or send them all of the weapons and manpower that they need to repel Russia. Thus far, we have not done so. We are trying to win the hard way, on Putin's terms, it seems. These actions amount to a political war, and not a real fight. I suspect Ukraine would say the same but they fear biting the hand that feeds them.
Another reason for my position is that the US does not have an endless amount of resources and money. It seems that the US is willing to spend whatever it takes to support an entire country while we are not doing the same for our own country. The more Russia destroys Ukrainian infrastructure, then the more we have to spend. . Sure, some government officials may say that we're not sending that much, but that is only up to the point that people, including the American citizens, start to complain or that this becomes unpopular. Recent polls are starting to show some wavering in the support for funding Ukraine. Here's a CNN report on that:
As more time goes on, I can see this war having less and less support. I can also come up with 5 or more things that America should be spending much more on but they aren't. Mental health is one big example. We should be willing to open the bank to pay whatever it would take to significantly address that issue. Sending billions away to a seemingly endless/unwinnable war doesn't help.Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.
For Debate...
Do you agree that we should stop supporting the War in Ukraine? Are the above reasons reasonable? Your thoughts, please!