Multicolored Lemur

Well-known member
Atheist / Agnostic
Nov 23, 2021


Please notice the 11-month-old being held by soldier in the back middle.

‘ . . The children's background meant they knew "how to survive in the jungle, how to eat, how to drink, stay against the hostile jungle and how to protect from the rain, because 16 hours a day it’s only rain,” he said.

‘The children had some luck on their side: Fruit was plentiful, an official told reporters, because “the jungle was in harvest.” . . ’

‘ . . According to one rescuer, the first words Lesly [the oldest at age 13] said after they were found were: "I'm hungry." One of the boys, local media reported, said: "My mom is dead."’


So, obviously sadness, too, since of the mother of these four children died in the crash.
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This story was reported on several news stations not too long ago. I hope the kids will be able to give more details because it would make for an incredible survival story. This story reminds me of a teen soccer team that got trapped in a cave in Thailand. I think that story was more remarkable than this one because those teens were trapped underground with little to no light. And then there was that rescue mission that required an international group effort.
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