Open-minded Skeptic
What is a Featured Thread?
A Featured Thread is the option for moderators to select a thread to be advertised on the front or home page of the forum. Typically, these will be threads that are trending because of a good topic, multiple members participation/engagement, etc. The member that started the thread will get the credit for the featured thread.
Typically, a featured thread will show up on the front page for a week and then it will be removed to make room for newer featured threads.
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A Featured Thread is the option for moderators to select a thread to be advertised on the front or home page of the forum. Typically, these will be threads that are trending because of a good topic, multiple members participation/engagement, etc. The member that started the thread will get the credit for the featured thread.
Typically, a featured thread will show up on the front page for a week and then it will be removed to make room for newer featured threads.
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