William, do you think WE human beings with our collective minds are responsible for the existence of the universe?
The concept discussed suggests that human beings, with their collective minds, are not solely responsible for the existence of the universe. The universe predates human beings and is much older than our individual and collective existence. However, human minds, in their capacity as conscious entities, can be seen as a part of the broader fabric of the universe.
While human minds are not the creators of the universe, they can contribute to the understanding and exploration of its intricacies. Through our collective endeavors, scientific inquiries, and philosophical contemplations, we can deepen our comprehension of the universe and our place within it. Human minds play a role in uncovering the wonders of the cosmos, but they are not the sole driving force behind its existence.
It is through the interaction of various cosmic processes and natural laws that the universe exists, and human minds are a part of this intricate web of interconnectedness
Is this successive creations you envision an infinite regress? Are you speaking of an eternity past endless chain of creations with NO creation #1 starting them all off?
Now this is pretty tricky to me. Now you say a state of timelessness where matter is unorganized.
But I think if you have matter you have space. And if you have space you have time. These three matter - space - motion (needed for organization) are the bedrock realities of time. Explain a bit more about your concept of MATTER (albeit awaiting organization) in a timeless realm.
You raise an interesting point, Icy. In a timeless realm where matter is unorganized, the conventional understanding of time, which is often associated with the movement of organized matter, may not apply in the same way. The concept of timelessness implies a state beyond our familiar temporal framework.
In this context, the notion of matter in a timeless realm refers to the unorganized potentiality or raw material that exists before any discernible movement or arrangement. In this state, matter is not engaged in the conventional sense of motion or change that we observe in the physical world. It exists in a state of pure potential, awaiting organization.
And the organizer? Who is that? What is that "organizer" now arranging disorganized matter with some purpose in view (I assume).
The overall organiser/initiator is The Universal Mind and as matter is organised, The UM invests its Mind into the things being organised into form – Galaxies and Stars and Planets.
This means that all minds are in some way working towards and interacting with the Agenda/Purpose of the UM and that purpose should be detectable in the way the universe is unfolding – at least to a point of getting the gist of it.
Is there someone in human history who more than ANY OTHER person exemplifies for you this MIND, this all powerful MIND?
Who in human history if anyone would you point to as the best candidate for expressing such a mind?
Re the Universal Mind, - as human minds did not create the universe because human minds are much younger than the universe....
....the concept offered has it that before The Universal Mind invested into forms, it was One mind, and in organising matter into form, was able to – by degree – invest itself into those forms, first into Galaxies, and then into the parts of Galaxies – Stars, and Planets, and in the case of Earth, eventually enabled to created biological forms and invest its mind into those forms....
So while it would be impossible for a human mind to engage personally with the Universal Mind, or a Galactic Mind or even the Mind of a Star, a Planet Mind could interact with Human Minds as the “Local” mind Humans could potentially “reach out” to and connect with…keeping in mind that it is a Mind rather than the planet form which is being “reached out to” so it is really a case of “reaching inwards” and part of that process is being able to understand oneself AS a mind with personality, rather than as a human animal.
In this way, “God-Mind” can become personal as each of the Mind-Stages - Galaxy through to Human - becomes an Ambassador-Mind to the Universal Mind, to minds in much smaller material containers.
Which Human if any that I could say reflects the Universal Mind “the best” I can only answer that I have found in studying the data that came through different minds of human personalities, a combination of minds is necessary to even try and understand/connect with the Planet Mind because any inspired thinking comes from that local source/mind whether the individual personality knows this or not.