Religious books are filled with stories of people encountering gods, spirits, miracles, monsters, etc. These encounters seemed so prevalent and people still claim to encounter supernatural things today. So given the prevalence of the supernatural, why is there still no acceptance of it?

For Debate:
1. Do you accept the existence of the supernatural?
2. If there is evidence for the supernatural, then why don't scientists or even more of the public accepting of it?
1. Do you accept the existence of the supernatural?
I do not accept the existence of the supernatural but I'm very open to it. Instead, as a middle position, I accept that there are things that appear to defy how things would ordinarily work. Most would probably refer to these things as an anomaly or 'paranormal'.

I should also make it clear that I define natural as the way things ordinarily work, for instance humans can't run faster than a cheetah. Anything defying those ordinary abilities is supernatural.

2. If there is evidence for the supernatural, then why don't scientists or even more of the public accepting of it?
I believe that many scientists don't accept the supernatural because they have not encountered it in a scientifically satisfactory way. A lot of the claims and evidence for the supernatural tends to come from the non-scientific population and outside of a lab controlled setting, of course. But i do wonder how much seriousness scientists have put in towards looking into supernatural claims since there are so much video surveillance of alleged supernatural events. Maybe they take them for granted or assume that they are mistaken since there are so many things mistakenly viewed as supernatural or that are just flat out fraud.
I don't think scientists consider what you're asking about to be a topic they would take seriously because how can you prove a supernatural event if you were a scientist? Can the event be recreated? if not why answer that question? They examine and try to prove the existence of the world a much larger view and one that can be proved like the Higgs Boson particle. I just finished reading this and if you can comprehend the meaning you may have a new perspective of life and the world. It's very enlightening.