Then are you saying that it isn't possible that the biblical account of God, right from the garden on, could be the account of terraforming aliens?
I'm saying the Biblical account of God, is the Biblical account of God. God did not use aliens in the creation of our universe. God simply spoke everything into existence from nothing.
I'm saying the Biblical account of God, is the Biblical account of God. God did not use aliens in the creation of our universe. God simply spoke everything into existence from nothing.

What I am pointing to is not the idea that ETs created this universe, but that they are products of this universe with the ability to terraform - and so could have something to do with the Garden Story therein the seeding of life-forms upon the planet...

This is to say, they fit well into the narration of The Garden Story...

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The Garden Story = 179

No Doubt about It

Well Its A Start

We Are All Becoming One

Stay the course
I'm saying the Biblical account of God, is the Biblical account of God. God did not use aliens in the creation of our universe. God simply spoke everything into existence from nothing.
Well apparently, there are the angels that I presume are more advanced than humans. Genesis chapter 6 also brings up the 'nephilim'. These examples show that a case can be made for advanced lifeforms (more advanced than humans) even in the Christian worldview. Although, my point is to also associate God with being a highly advanced being. If such beings existed in relation to humans, then I think the idea of a God becomes easier to accept.
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The idea that there is an all powerful entity who can create something from nothing, is questionable.

Something does not come from nothing. = 377
Preparation is willingness to change

Something has always existed = 305

Keeping Things In Perspective
Positive Social Connections

All things created are of the mind = 276

Redefinition of the human being

We exist within the mind of a creator = 363

What Is Within Is Without, Equal
I Really Think Its Ganna Take That Long
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
A programmed reality that is not real
I think therefore I am, therefore who am I
What I am pointing to is not the idea that ETs created this universe, but that they are products of this universe with the ability to terraform - and so could have something to do with the Garden Story therein the seeding of life-forms upon the planet...

This is to say, they fit well into the narration of The Garden Story...

Calculate word-string value [CWV]
The Garden Story = 179

No Doubt about It

Well Its A Start

We Are All Becoming One

Stay the course
The Biblical account of creation does not suggest there were other forces active apart from the voice of God. When God created everything He simply spoke it into existence from nothing (ex nihilo). Everything except man. He formed man then breathed the breath of life into his lungs.
I like this passage:

Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Brings to mind aliens in disguise.
Gentle people,

God has been absent so long from terrestrial affairs that He/She/It could be considered an alien if suddenly appearing. Just another thing to consider on your daily commute if the freeway mysteriously opens up from being a parking lot.