In this section, you will find a list of all Usergroups as well as the moderators and members who are a part of them. There will only be 2 threads in this section, this one and one other one. Only usergroup moderators can post in this subforum. To join a usergroup, you have to PM the usergroup moderator (listings are here) or PM me.

I posted the guidelines for Usergroups elsewhere but I'll repost it here...
Requirements for creating a usergroup:
1. Members must have 200 or more posts (number of posts subject to increase as more members join).
2. PM me with the details on the usergroup name, usergroup description, and banner design (more on design options below). Remember that it must comply with forum rules (i.e. no obscene or hateful names/labels)..also choose a username that's not already taken.
3. The text in the banner must be readable, especially when it will be hyperlinked. The link color is white. Tried experimenting with different colors text but it messed up other links on the site.
4. All selected designs, like color selections, are final! Refer to Steve's post).

Design options
These are the available banners ( remember that the text portion will have white or blue font hyperlinked text depending on the background color of the banner): Refer to Steve's post to view the options.

Usergroup Moderator
The member that creates the usergroup will also be its moderator. They will be able to add and remove members. Please only add members who consent to being in your usergroup. And of course, you don't have to add anyone if you don't want to, especially if you have conditions.
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