Fox News release a piece that shows pro-Palestinian protestors responding to questions about Israel and Hamas. At around the 1:40 minute mark to about 3:30, a lot of the protestors said that Israel is a fascist state, a terrorist state, etc.

I find these responses to be very partisan, but it's not because they are completely inaccurate on Israel, but rather it's that the Palestinian side is guilty of some of the same things. The Palestinian nation is also a totalitarian state. Here's a response I made on another forum that on this point (originally posted here):

Watching a pro Palestinian protest, I hear people calling Israel a totalitarian government, while also failing to realize that Palestine also functions as one, as well. When there's that hypocrisy, I have to question if people are really against totalitarian governments, or are they only against it when it's Israel? I think a lot of that double standard comes from people following groups that offer selective details leading people to think that "occupation" is the only way to be totalitarian, or that no other human rights abuses abuse matter.

Mistreating religious minorities, LGBT, going after free speech, and a host of other things that the Palestinian nation is accused of, are all also human right abuses. Palestinian nation is not a democracy. If anything, barring charges of occupation, Israel is more of a Democracy than a lot of the other nations surrounding them.
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