Here's another important point... some online skeptics that dismiss these sightings I notice draw conclusions based on limited information or leave out details that don't support their theory. I suppose those on the other side, that are in favor these being drones or ETs, can do the same. But here's why I believe we're dealing with more than just misidentified planes or even recreational drones from civilians:
The best reporting we have of drones that are less likely to be confused with planes are those incidents where there are multiple drones sighted all at one time, especially those sighted by law enforcement and even military officials. We have those reports from two or more military bases in New Jersey confirming the presence of drones in restricted air spaces, and some times reports include up to 50 drones all at once. A lot of the skeptical explanations don't even come close to dealing with these types of sightings.
The best reporting we have of drones that are less likely to be confused with planes are those incidents where there are multiple drones sighted all at one time, especially those sighted by law enforcement and even military officials. We have those reports from two or more military bases in New Jersey confirming the presence of drones in restricted air spaces, and some times reports include up to 50 drones all at once. A lot of the skeptical explanations don't even come close to dealing with these types of sightings.