Consolidating forum sections
I will be eliminating some of the Discussion forum categories and combining them with other categories. I'm doing this because I don't want there to be a lot of forum categories. I'd rather put some discussions in as few forum categories as I can, when it makes sense. So I will eliminate the Theism & Religion and the Atheism and Secularism Discussion forums. The pre-existing discussions in those sections will be moved to the Debate sections that are also titled Theism and Religion and Atheism and Secularism. So that now means that those two forum sections will include areas for casual discussion AND debate.

Usergroup forums
I will also allow usergroups to have their own subforum section. The usergroup owner will be the moderator for that section. As an extra, usergroup moderators will have two rules that don't apply to them:
- Usergroup moderators can reply to their own posts as many times as they want without anyone else needing to reply - essentially like having their own journal or blog entries. Currently, I have a guideline against that limiting it to just 5 posts, although I've made exceptions, like William's Message Generation thread.
- Usergroup moderators can also advertise for their books, websites, and other works in their usergroup section. Other users, especially in the other forum sections, can not do this.

All other forum rules would apply to everyone.

Requirements: 500 or more posts. Once you reach that and want to start your own usergroup forum then PM me. Number of posts is subject to change as more members join.
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