At 13:00 minute starts the introduction of the two debaters.
The real debate starts around 22:30 minute mark. I liked Dr. Justin Bass because he was well informed which is required to go against Dr. Richard Carrier. It made for an engaging debate. I compared this debate to another one involving Dr. Carrier and Christian apologist Trent Horn, and Trent Horn didn't do well at handling Richard's objections. In contrast, Dr. Justin Bass was better prepared for his debate.
What's your view on Carrier vs. Bass?
Have you seen any Christian do better against Dr. Carrier?
To be honest I don't like this sort of thing and I never watch any of them. This one, for example, a three-hour long discussion on this subject? You couldn't pay me to attend. Then long and drawn-out introductions which are really only self-aggrandizing and/or advertisement for upcoming events. How much money do they make? Is attendance free?
Then the Buzz Belief video. The guy at the door is thought to be a JW? With long hair, which is against Christ's teaching, blue jeans and facial hair in the field service? Not JWs. Seriously, though, I do like the idea of atheists going door to door like the JWs, and I do like the attitude of the atheist. Just not the idea of attending what it will turn out to be, which is what it always turns out to be. Though I would more likely attend a JW vs Atheist debate, I wouldn't pay for it, and I would probably get bored and leave after about 30 minutes. That's just me, though.
I don't know who the people are in the debate, and that sort of thing I'm not interested in. The first guy is introduced as having attended some school and written some book. The school pays to teach Jesus? The book cost money? Jesus said freely you received so freely you give. Not happening there? Not good. And what does the school teach? Really teach. Jesus or tradition? I already know the answer but let's see. Oooo! A master's in theology AND a business degree! These people are all about themselves and money. This entire event is about money. Jesus and his disciples took donations. These people make money. Like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins and the "Reverend" Al Sharpton on a book tour. Big business. Making good use of their useless higher education. Prophets for profit.
Jesus being a secular influence of compassion and peace. In the book of Revelation, he destroys the world bringing about the death of billions of people. I never fully understood the "Old Testament Monster vs. the New Testament Prince of Peace" comparison.
I'm really not interested. Sorry. To each his own, but this - not for me.