Search results

  1. Honest-ism

    Trying Out Religions in Case They "Work"

    Does anybody else do this? I've mainly tried Christianity, over and over. I can sort of get into it, partly because you get promised that if you do, if you read the Bible and pray, faith will be given to you. I don't want to miss out. But it's never worked for long. The Bible, for...
  2. Honest-ism

    Maybe Agnosticism is the Purest Religion

    ... because we aren't jumping into any religion that we can't prove is right, but waiting for the definitive answer from God Himself. We're keeping our minds open for the one we can't doubt, that doesn't seem suspiciously like mere human invention in places. Asking us for money; declaring that...
  3. Honest-ism

    Just a Thought

    I totally understand that this website is not mine and it has a purpose for which the owner/creator works hard. However... when I was searching for an agnostic forum, I almost passed this one by because it sounded as though anything but formal debate wouldn't be welcomed. Maybe that was...
  4. Honest-ism

    Looking for agnostic internet buddies

    Hi, I'm new here. I live in the US "Bible Belt" and it's hard to totally relax with friends when you're pretty sure they'd like you less if they found out you were agnostic. So I'd like for there to be a few people here I could just "shoot the breeze" with. I think this is the only part of...
  5. Honest-ism

    Non-argumentative agnostic wanting "fellowship"

    Hi... I'm new here and an agnostic. I've tried Christianity, many times, but each time I eventually quit because I was lying if I said I believed it all, and I don't want to fake my way through life. I've thought about other religions but realize the same thing would happen. How would I know...