
Somewhat Reluctant Agnostic
Mar 30, 2022
Southeastern USA
Hi... I'm new here and an agnostic. I've tried Christianity, many times, but each time I eventually quit because I was lying if I said I believed it all, and I don't want to fake my way through life. I've thought about other religions but realize the same thing would happen. How would I know about invisible, powerful beings unless they somehow stood in front of me and said "I am God?" Even then, I might wonder if they were just a human being faking it, unless there was a lot of supernatural stuff happening.
I think there COULD be a God, and there are some reasons to think so, but they're not enough for me to believe, to be able to make any kind of statement.

Not being a Christian around here means you miss a lot of social life, and what you do have, with people who don't point-blank ask you what church you go to or if you're saved, is at risk at all times. So what I want here is a few people to talk to without that risk, strictly online of course unless we talk pleasantly for so long that we each trust the other enough to move forward to a phone call.
I balk at joining an Atheist forum because I'm not an Atheist either and it has such negative associations.
The forum doesn't seem very active but I'll keep checking back. If you're looking for the same thing I am, please post it somewhere and with luck I'll see it.
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Hi Honest-ism. We could definitely use some more agnostics here (although anyone is welcome to join)!

Thanks for explaining your experience with religion so far. One common trait about agnostics is that they are genuine seekers/searchers. Some even appreciate the journey more than the destination.
I balk at joining an Atheist forum because I'm not an Atheist either and it has such negative associations.
I've done that as well. If I'm going to go on a search, then I dont' want to confine myself to some overly skeptical standard. That has been my impression of a lot of atheists nowadays. Going on a journey, I'm open to finding ANYTHING, whereas others will only expect or want to find things that agree with their pre-existing worldview (the materialistic worldview). The latter approach is not only restrictive but it is also boring! I personally apply agnosticism beyond just the search aspect of it that lots of agnostics keep bringing up. I'm working on a video on that now.

I look forward to seeing your views and keep in mind that there are forum sections for regular discussions.