5. Should Religion be subordinate to Philosophy?

No. They shouldn't be subordinate, either one to the other. Maybe that's occidental cultural nonsense? My god can beat your god up. I'm richer, stronger, faster, better. My art, my music, my fashion, my religion, my country, my politics, my school, my geography, culture, my tradition, my skin color, my language, blah, blah, blah.
1. What is your political affiliation (Democrat, Republican, unaffiliated, other) and why?

None. I'm apolitical. Even when I was very young (six years old) I could see in politicians, in the world, in advertising, in religion, no redeeming qualities. Nothing resembling the truth. My dad, a lifetime Democrat, used to tell me at that age that Democrats were for the poor and Republicans for the rich. Silliness. He would go on about the plight of the poor and the injustice of the rich. But he didn't act out his beliefs. It seemed very religious to me, and he was atheist. He thought he was poor. He wasn't. He actually hated anyone who made less of more money than him. The politicians are for the rich. That's how it works. That's how it always has and always will work. Politics is just another divisionary tactic for the foolish.
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