I do enjoy apologetics. I don’t really have a favorite apologist though. I like researching issues and questions. I find it reinforces my faith.

What made you leave Christianity?
I think there are two big reasons.

1. I realized that I don't have enough evidence to say that God exists. The signs and evidence that I used to go by as a Christian did not unambiguously point to God - they could mean something else or they weren't enough to say that it is God.

2. This kinda goes with #1. I don't want to be in a position where I accept something as true before having all the evidence in. The believe first or having faith approach that Christianity is based on doesn't work for me.

I'll also say that unlike some ex-Christians, I don't hate God, the Bible, nor Christians. I accept that some of Jesus's teachings are priceless. I accept that some supernatural events happen. I accept that atheists can also be unreasonable. Their level of skepticism can be unreasonable/impractical.
That's interesting. I'm right the opposite. I see too much evidence for God to believe everything just happened. Despite the overwhelming evidence, it's my relationship with Jesus Christ that confirms His existence to be true.
That's interesting. I'm right the opposite. I see too much evidence for God to believe everything just happened. Despite the overwhelming evidence, it's my relationship with Jesus Christ that confirms His existence to be true.
I actually see the diversity of views as a thing of beauty! We have the same standard of going by evidence, but somewhere along the line we've reached different conclusions.

If you're a fan of any of the philosophical arguments for God's existence or if you think there's some good evidence for God's existence, then I'd love to discuss that. You can even post any good debates you've seen lately.

I used to watch a lot of debates on God's existence a few years ago. William Lane Craig debates were my favorite.
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