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  1. Data

    The Meaning of the Bible

    My experience of over 30 years with debating skeptics online is that they don't want evidence, they want confirmation bias. They also overestimate evidence as if it "proof" but instead of examining the Bible they regurgitate propaganda which is actually a response to apostate tradition and...
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    My Thread of Thoughts

    Politics 1. What is your political affiliation (Democrat, Republican, unaffiliated, other) and why? None. I'm apolitical. Even when I was very young (six years old) I could see in politicians, in the world, in advertising, in religion, no redeeming qualities. Nothing resembling the truth. My...
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    My Thread of Thoughts

    5. Should Religion be subordinate to Philosophy? No. They shouldn't be subordinate, either one to the other. Maybe that's occidental cultural nonsense? My god can beat your god up. I'm richer, stronger, faster, better. My art, my music, my fashion, my religion, my country, my politics, my...
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    My Thread of Thoughts

    4. Is there a good hybrid theory drawing from both Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill? I have no idea what any of that means. I understand that mankind struggles ever onward in knowledge, including science, theology, philosophy, politics, epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics - and...
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    My Thread of Thoughts

    3. Does free-will exist? To me, it's an oddly common subject. If I want to rob a bank I can rob a bank. If I don't want to I don't have to. Someone can make me, but I could still choose not to. Either way I have the consequences. I might like to fly to the moon, but I can't. Since spirit comes...
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    Featured Pam Reynolds near death experience: Real or hallucination?

    It wasn't intense. I don't think a UFO experience would be intense either. Maybe that's just me personally. The thing is, when you start looking for practical explanations for something that isn't practical you're only trying to convince yourself that something impractical can't happen. To me...
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    The Meaning of the Bible

    The Masoretes only replaced the tetragrammaton (YHWH) with the generic term Adonai, which means simply LORD and isn't a name, it's a title. Jehovah is the Enghlish translation of Yahweh. Since they didn't write out the vowels no one alive knows how YHWH would have been pronounced. In order to...
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    Featured Pam Reynolds near death experience: Real or hallucination?

    Yeah. Most NDEs are culturally influenced dreams, IMO. But the details given in Pam's case, if they were truly experienced by her, could have been demonic. The apostle Paul uses the Greek term pharmakia (English pharmaceutical, pharmacy, et cetera) at Galatians 5:20. It's translated as spiritism...
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    The Meaning of the Bible

    Everybody does that with everything, we just don't realize it, we convince ourselves otherwise, but the old adage is true there in a figurative sense, regarding the path of least resistance.
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    The Meaning of the Bible

    I'll answer your question briefly and then post an article I published years ago in response to the SAB. There isn't a specific passage that states emphatically that Michael was God's first creation, but Jesus was a man born long after God's creation took place. The man Jesus was born and died...
  11. Data

    Should weak atheists only have neutral views on God's existence?

    No. Not one God. Are you familiar with henotheism? I personally think that explains the position of the ancient Israelite and early Christian a great deal better than monotheism or polytheism. To the writers of the Bible a god was anything or anyone who was mighty/venerated. Other gods besides...
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    Best Debate I've seen on the historical evidence for Jesus's resurrection?

    To be honest I don't like this sort of thing and I never watch any of them. This one, for example, a three-hour long discussion on this subject? You couldn't pay me to attend. Then long and drawn-out introductions which are really only self-aggrandizing and/or advertisement for upcoming events...
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    The Meaning of the Bible

    What's the meaning of the Bible? What's it about? It can be summed up very simply as this: the vindication of Jehovah God's name through the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus. I can explain this further with first a short answer. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represented, to Adam...
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    Should weak atheists only have neutral views on God's existence?

    While that is absolutely true of most Christians it isn't biblically supported. The Bible calls Moses, the judges of Israel, angels (of which there are myriads) including Satan gods. It also calls Jesus a mighty god, not God almighty. Jehovah and Jesus, the Father and Son, are not the same.
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    My Thread of Thoughts

    2. Do objective morals exist? If they do, I'd like to see them in practice rather than theory. It's a complicated subject. An example. In modern times a 32-year-old man marrying a 14- or 15-year-old girl is immoral. That was exactly the case with Joseph and Mary. It isn't the norm now because...
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    Was God justified for sending bears to kill 42 children?

    Skeptics tend to look at a verse and without any reference judge it from a human perspective. When a Bible student such as myself criticizes that approach, they accuse me of being biased, trying to justify the verse. I want the truth, and sometimes that doesn't make God look good from a human...
  17. Data

    My Thread of Thoughts

    Philosophy 1. What is your worldview (Christian, atheist, agnostic, neither?) and why? Weltanschauung! Everyone has a worldview. Mine isn't associated with any organized paradigm. It isn't stagnant. It doesn't conform to a standard. As Bernard Shaw, Upton Sinclair, and George Orwell put it...
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    Concerning Agnostics

    I'm not that familiar with Huxley so I would be interested in your work, but the video I posted is an accurate representation of what I see looking back in history. Hmmm. How do I explain. Biblical skeptics tend to make the assumption that the Bible was only a record of a primitive superstitious...
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    A Fact

    Define evolution and define fact. Darwinian evolution as invented by the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, and Anaximander? Fact as infallible, dogmatic? Or fact as simply common belief. Do you believe the "evolution" is contradictory to the Bible? Do you think that...
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    Concerning Agnostics

    The term agnostic, first popularized by the 19th century scientist Thomas H. Huxley, comes from the Greek word agnostos, "unknown." To Huxley the church claimed gnosis or "knowledge," and part of his reasoning for taking a contradictory position had to do with the hypocrisy and cruelty - "the...