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  1. T

    Is the problem of evil enough to convince you that a God does not exist?

    I'm torn. I feel like a lot of evil exists because we make it exist. God or no God. Natural disasters can be blamed on God, but the sick things that could come from a human is worse than anything else. Part of me questions why would a God make us capable of being horrible creatures, but the...
  2. T

    Should parents be in charge of their kids education?

    Yeah, I kind of feel as though parents kind of already have a lot of control over what their kids learn. If they don't like what a school is teaching, there are many other options available including home school which is free, at least where I live (my brother is home schooled and my parents...
  3. T

    Why are you agnostic?

    I chose agnostic as apposed to atheist partly because atheists that I knew where kind of defensive in the way that some Christians I knew were. It's not like I really chose not to believe, it's just that the only people that I knew that were Christian used Christianity to reaffirm their personal...
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    The role of religious experiences in religion

    Perhaps religion is just a collection of activities and rituals that strengthens one's beliefs in whatever the group believes. I think that religion comes from a multitude of different factors. Joint spiritual experiences may be one, but for the people that has not had these experiences, it's...
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    "Guns are the problem"

    People are usually the problem when it comes to gun crimes or mass shootings. Instead of banning guns, we should make it harder to get a gun license. Even then, this will not completely eliminate the problem. Banning guns completely has the chance of resulting in some people stocking up on guns...
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    Hey thatquietchick here

    I'm agnostic, I don't believe in God, but at the same time, I can't reject the idea of God, so identifying as either Christian or Atheist is hard for me to do. I grew up in a Christian home, and it was really hard for me to discuss anything with my parents because their first response was along...
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    Was Jesus a real person or a myth?

    I agree, Jesus being a real person is much easier to believe than that he is God. It is possible that bits and pieces of Christianity is true while others are false or that all of it is true or none of it is. If believing that Jesus is God's son or even much apart of God, helps some people, then...
  8. T

    Does free-will exist?

    In my opinion, free-will exists to some extent. While we can't act directly against our code--someone with a severe mental illness or physical injury can't say that they are completely healed all of the sudden, in most cases, we are capable of changing our situation gradually with daily...
  9. T

    Was Jesus a real person or a myth?

    In my opinion, most religions have to be based on some piece of truth to cause further speculation. So, it's better to assume that the people within the bible were real--or at least large actors within the bible were real--because there are plenty of religions that came out of the existence of...