Featured content by AgnosticBoy

  1. AgnosticBoy

    Any predictive prophecies in the Bible?

    For Debate Does the Bible have any predictive prophecies? Was the nation of Israel being reestablished one of them?
  2. AgnosticBoy

    Is the world becoming more evil?

    "I would rather live today than in 1950 or 1930 or 1917. Think of two world wars. Think of interracial marriage was still illegal (1967). Think that women didn't get the right to vote until 1920. Think the basics of civil rights didn't pass until 1964. From the 1880's to the 1960's over 4,000...
  3. AgnosticBoy

    Is Hollywood filled with sexual deviants?

    Harvey Weinstein and P Diddy are some of the latest celebs that are accused of being sexual deviants. I've heard so many stories about these celebs and others trying to groom and/or sexually exploit men, women, and children. I think this is probably more widespread than what's public.
  4. AgnosticBoy

    Agnostic perspective on Israel and Palestine conflict: Who is at fault?

    There's been a pick up in the amount of coverage in the Israel and Palestine conflict... there's also a lot of biased perspective. Who is at fault when it comes to the Israel and Palestine conflict? Is it Israel? Is it Palestine? And why do you hold your position?
  5. AgnosticBoy

    Bitcoin ETF might send Bitcoin prices to the moon

    Now some experts are predicting that Bitcoin can skyrocket into the 100s of thousands of dollars. One big price catalyst is the pending approval of a Bitcoin ETF...
  6. AgnosticBoy

    How to make Christianity relevant today?

    I figured one way to get Christianity to be relevant is by bringing up the problems of society... explaining how all of this fits within the Christian worldview and offer a resolution for those problems.
  7. AgnosticBoy

    Is Christianity homophobic?

    1. Does 'homophobia' involve any type of belief or action (e.g. simply saying that it is wrong)
  8. AgnosticBoy

    Are all religions true, or false, or is there only one true religion?

    There are many religions out there to choose from. Is there even a true religion?
  9. AgnosticBoy

    Why do historians reject the supernatural?

    Why do historians reject stories involving the supernatural, especially if they are well documented?
  10. AgnosticBoy

    What is Occam's Razor? How is it be abused?

    Occam's Razor is used in a lot of topics ranging from debates on religious topics (like the resurrection) to scientific issues. One thing I've noticed is that the principle is used in place of proof or even as a supporting reason...
  11. AgnosticBoy

    Does secularism provide any objective moral systems? If not, is that a problem?

    Theistic systems of morality tend to be viewed as objective and universal. I'm doubtful that there are any secular systems of morality that can be taken the same way, but I'll leave that up for debate.
  12. AgnosticBoy

    Is Atheism good for society and individual well-being?

    A lot of people bring up the effects of religion on society. Seems to be a mixed bag of positives and negatives. But what about atheism?
  13. AgnosticBoy

    Is Materialism scientifically validated?

    Materialism is a pretty old philosophy that many atheists hang their hats on. I question if it is as strong of a view as many say it is.
  14. AgnosticBoy

    How should we handle claims involving the supernatural?

    For debate... How should we handle claims involving the supernatural?