I think when considering Jesus, in recent years we have been given a great starter-movie called "The Case for Christ." While this movie may start out a a bit hokey in the beginning for some (even me who believe in Jesus), it gets into some serious topics that are critical for those with a purely science basis of belief. However, the movie is not nearly enough. For me, it was reading the words of Jesus in scripture, and asking myself this one question, "Does anything that Jesus said, appear to be a lie?" As a matter of fact, the older I got, the more and more true each and every word of Jesus seemed hauntingly true. Not haunting in that his words were grievous, but that I had seen so much of the truth in his words even in my most critically tumultuous times in life, that I could be both haunted by my turmoils, and relieved that he explained them so well. And that he explained them in how God was with us, understanding us, and helping us (even though we may have felt alone but weren't). Perhaps we need those times, to help us understand the full spectrum of humanity, both good and evil. Perhaps to help us want to be good instead of evil. Perhaps to help us overcome the evil with the good He can give to us to fight it. There are so many many things that can go into each and every teaching. I once told my children that when parents teach them things it rarely has only one purpose, from the minimal reasons to the maximum reasons. For instance, we teach our children not to put the keys in the outlets... why? Is it one reason? No, it's many, from the minimal to the maximum such as: 1. we don't want to have to take you to the hospital, 2. we don't want to see you suffer, 3. we can't afford a hospital bill (yes money sucks to mention but its real), 4. it grieves us to see you cry and grief is real and painful, and last but far from least, 5. it could kill you, and then begins a whole other level of grief that we don't even want to imagine having to go through. I will take a moment to say each of God's rules has been for many purposes. Let's take adultery. 1. You can get diseases, 2. it hurts your partner, 3. you can't know intimacy with one person when all you do is philander, 4. it takes from the essense of family, whereas, to love one person and to build a family and to learn to nurture and take care of that family, helps to build a love that philandering will never know. And those are just the things I can think of in a flash, but sure, God knows more. But to get back to Jesus. I'd say, to determine if Jesus is real and worth listening to, it's best to read the new testament, with love and understanding, that God sent Jesus in His stead to teach us humanity and love and forgiveness, and no one has ever done it better. No one has ever explained more, and no one has ever been anointed and ordained in Holiness as the Son of God. Those words! They ring so true. The stick in the heart in such a good way. And as Jesus said, "Peace be with you." It is peace that the words of Jesus will bring... if you understand... and believe. And if you still don't believe... I challenge you to find me one lie. Find one thing that Jesus said.... that doesn't hold truth. There is your proof. Read. Learn. Love. God bless.