Report from April 23, 2024 - Ukraine receives $61 billion dollars:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has passed $95 billion in war aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden after months of delays
The legislation would also send $26 billion in wartime assistance to Israel and humanitarian relief to citizens of Gaza, and $8 billion to counter Chinese threats in Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific.
The $61 billion for Ukraine comes as the war-torn country desperately needs new firepower and as Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped up his attacks.
- AP

Report from May 10, 2024 - Ukraine to receive another $400 million worth of support:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. announced a new $400 million package of military aid for Ukraine on Friday, as Kyiv struggles to hold off advances by Russian troops in the northeast Kharkiv region.
- AP

My point in bringing this topic up is not to take away from Russia being wrong to attack Ukraine, but rather it's to question if the US should be spending on Ukraine if it will eventually fall to Russia.

For Debate
Should the United States continue supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia? Why or why not?

Edit: I changed the debate question.
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Should the United States continue supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia? Why or why not?
I was for the United States helping the Ukrainians defend themselves, but I would only support it to a certain extent. If there is no path to victory for Ukraine then the US should not continue supporting Ukraine. Unless the goal is to just weaken Russia, but even then I question is it worth it? Would Russia be weakened enough?

I watched a reporting today where Ukranian President Zelensky says that the US has restricted him on how he can attack Russia while Russia is able to hit him back in anyway. That to me seems like a recipe for failure, like fighting with one hand tied behind your back while letting your opponent use a bat.

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Should the United States continue supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia? Why or why not?
Just to add to my view:
I honestly think Ukraine would love to see the West directly join the war against Russia. And Ukraine might try to push Putin to the point of using nukes or some big move, which is when the West might have to step in. The other alternative, and the better one, is for Russia to just withdraw due to the increasing pressure from Ukraine.

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With reports of 90% of Puerto Rico without power, I'm reminded of how all the money we're spending overseas for Ukraine could be better spent in the US. I'm at a point to where either we give Ukraine our full support by fighting with them or we do a massive scale down of our financial support to them (or get other UN countries to step up).

The billions that we're sending to them nearly every 3 to 6 months it seems can be spent in helping rebuild Puerto Rico's infrastructure and weeding out corruption.

I'm open to seeing this another way if someone can please explain to me why Puerto Rico's infrastructure, esp. since Hurricane Maria, hasn't been fixed up. If lack of money is the problem then I resort back to my point about our support for Ukraine and plenty of other foreign aid that we're spending on.