Aug 23, 2021
Who or what is God?

Under my view, God is not limited a person, a force, but rather God is fundamental reality. Therefore, seeking God is simply seeking the source of everything. I like this definition because it is no different than what scientists are looking for. Scientists would also like to know the origin and nature of the Universe. Unlike scientists, I do not think that we'll find the answers by focusing on the objects that we encounter. Instead, I think the focus should be on the tool we use to know about these objects to begin with, that is, our experience, our consciousness, our senses, and mind. Discovering the nature of consciousness led me to realize the nature of reality. To date, physicists think they are studying matter when all they are doing is studying consciousness in its many manifestations.
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Which is the one true religion?

There are many religions all with good insight to offer. I like to think of religions as a tree with many branches. At the root, you find all of the core beliefs that all religions agree on. From there, there begins a branching out into different religions. Therefore, religion is not meant to be path specific but rather it is goal specific.
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