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From time to time, I come across Christians claiming that the United States is part of biblical prophecy. But it's been so long that I forgot most of it but I at least remember that it involved playing some big role in a war or avoiding one, perhaps against Israel. At that time, I didn't bother to look it up to see if the Bible actually made these predictions. With wars and economic instability going on, I figured now is the best time.

Is the United States mentioned in biblical prophecy? Where and in what way?
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when the books of the New Testament were written, Rome was the huge, dominant power in that part of the world, right?
when the books of the New Testament were written, Rome was the huge, dominant power in that part of the world, right?
Rome was the dominant power. In fact, the way Jesus described his generation at times (like Matthew 12:39), whether right or wrong, seems eerily similar to what's going on in our generation.
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(like Matthew 12:39), whether right or wrong, seems eerily similar to what's going on in our generation.
But young people have always been highly interested in sex. As well as highly interested in other things of course. :)
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(like Matthew 12:39), whether right or wrong, seems eerily similar to what's going on in our generation.
But young people have always been highly interested in sex. As well as highly interested in other things of course. :)
That's true but I think the similarities is more than just general stuff like what you bring up. From the research I've read about the Roman Empire, they were quite open sexually just as we are in the US. For instance, effeminate men, perhaps our modern day transgender, were frequent.

Here's Philo on transgender during his time:
VII. (37) Moreover, another evil, much greater than that which we have already mentioned, has made its way among and been let loose upon cities, namely, the love of boys, which formerly was accounted a great infamy even to be spoken of, but which sin is a subject of boasting not only to those who practise it, but even to those who suffer it, and who, being accustomed to bearing the affliction of being treated like women, waste away as to both their souls and bodies, not bearing about them a single spark of a manly character to be kindled into a flame, but having even the hair of their heads conspicuously curled and adorned, and having their faces smeared with vermilion, and paint, and things of that kind, and having their eyes pencilled beneath, and having their skins anointed with fragrant perfumes (for in such persons as these a sweet smell is a most seductive quality), and being well appointed in everything that tends to beauty or elegance, are not ashamed to devote their constant study and endeavours to the task of changing their manly character into an effeminate one.
Source: The Works of Philo by Philo of Alexandria

This is just to show how open the Roman Empire was in terms of sexuality, which goes with showing how it was similar to the US today.
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I have never seen anything in the Bible that mentions the US.
I'm kind of shocked. Even my go-to site says this about the topic:
The United States of America is never explicitly mentioned in the Bible, and there are no biblical prophecies that point with certainty to the United States. As far as we can tell, the United States of America is not mentioned in biblical prophecy.

BUt some biblical commentators believe that Russia is mentioned in end time prophecy:

Ezekiel 38:1-3 refers to a ruler named Gog and his nation called Magog. Magog is modern-day Russia according to some.

Gog is a person. Whoever Gog is, he is from the land of Magog and is the leader of Tubal and Meshek (some translations add “Rosh” to the list) and a confederacy of other nations:

Magog is a land “in the far north,” from Israel’s point of view (Ezekiel 38:15; 39:2). Most Bible commentators interpret “Magog” as Russia—and, indeed, Russia is straight north of Israel, all the way up to the Arctic Circle. According to this view, “Rosh” is a reference to Russia, “Meshek” is either Moscow or the people north of the Black Sea (the area of southern Russia and Ukraine), and “Tubal,” which is always listed with Meshek in Scripture, is identified as a city in Siberia or an area in central Turkey.

Others see “Magog” as a general term used in Ezekiel’s day to identify barbarians living near the Black and Caspian Seas. Regardless of the exact locations of Magog, Tubal, and Meshek, there is no doubt that the general area includes portions of Russia and the former Soviet Union, and possibly some Arab countries.
Here's Philo on transgender during his time:
It's interesting that Philo noted homosexuality as an evil that went from being kept secret to openly practiced. He also saw the harmful effect it had on those who practiced homosexuality. One note I'll make is that eventually the Roman empire fell. America is following in the steps of the Roman empire. Perhaps that is why the USA isn't mentioned in the Bible.
America is following in the steps of the Roman empire. Perhaps that is why the USA isn't mentioned in the Bible.
I agree with you in general because I also don't see America being around for long, although some of my reasons would differ from yours.

But isn't there prophecy about there being a one world government?🤔 As influential as America is today, esp. with the UN, I'm thinking that they'd be part of that type of government system. I'd have to read up more on what happens to this one world government.
You are correct. In the book of the Revelation we are told that the Antichrist establishes a one world government where he will rule as if he were God. What happens to the one world government? Jesus Christ destroys it. Satan, the Antichrists and False Prophet are all cast into the lake of fire. All of their followers are killed. I know it's considered cheating, but I've read the back of the Book. Jesus wins.