I created a thread about the recent events involving Russia invading Ukraine.
In this thread, I want to find out if the Bible has any answers to this question in any of its end-time prophecies. So far I've found that some biblical commentators say that the Bible definitely talks about Russia in Ezekiel chapter 38. Here's one some info. from gotquestions.org:
So if we accept that this land of "Magog" is Russia, here are some passages that stick out to me...
[This is in reference to God, the person from Magog (or Russia)] Ezekiel 38:8
And lastly, the following passages below refer to Israel being attacked by Gog, but it sounds eerily similar to the behavior/rationale (according to some experts and the general population) that Russia displayed towards Ukraine in this ongoing invasion.
Vss. 10-13 (again regarding Gog who is from Magog or Russia)
For debate:
1. Does the land of Magog refer to Russia?
2. Is Ezekiel giving an end-time prophecy in the above passages?
3. Are there any clues or reasons today that would indicate that Russia would attack Israel?
Russia invades Ukraine. What's next?
In December 2021, Russia started amassing military forces on Ukraine's border. Fast forward to February 2022, we've now seen those same military forces invading Ukraine. Several media outlets have reported that the fighting has slowed, and major cities still remain in the control of the...

In this thread, I want to find out if the Bible has any answers to this question in any of its end-time prophecies. So far I've found that some biblical commentators say that the Bible definitely talks about Russia in Ezekiel chapter 38. Here's one some info. from gotquestions.org:
[emphasis added]With Russia back in the news in a big way, many people are wondering if recent events in eastern Europe have anything to do with end-times prophecy—and, if so, how? Much of the discussion has to do with an ancient prophecy from Ezekiel:
“The word of the Lord came to me: ‘Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog,
Magog is a land “in the far north,” from Israel’s point of view (Ezekiel 38:15; 39:2). Most Bible commentators interpret “Magog” as Russia—and, indeed, Russia is straight north of Israel, all the way up to the Arctic Circle. According to this view, “Rosh” is a reference to Russia, “Meshek” is either Moscow or the people north of the Black Sea (the area of southern Russia and Ukraine), and “Tubal,” which is always listed with Meshek in Scripture, is identified as a city in Siberia or an area in central Turkey.
Others see “Magog” as a general term used in Ezekiel’s day to identify barbarians living near the Black and Caspian Seas. Regardless of the exact locations of Magog, Tubal, and Meshek, there is no doubt that the general area includes portions of Russia and the former Soviet Union, and possibly some Arab countries.
So if we accept that this land of "Magog" is Russia, here are some passages that stick out to me...
[This is in reference to God, the person from Magog (or Russia)] Ezekiel 38:8
vss. 14-16After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. 9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land. (NIV)
‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it? 15 You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.
And lastly, the following passages below refer to Israel being attacked by Gog, but it sounds eerily similar to the behavior/rationale (according to some experts and the general population) that Russia displayed towards Ukraine in this ongoing invasion.
Vss. 10-13 (again regarding Gog who is from Magog or Russia)
10 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. 11 You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. 12 I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land.
For debate:
1. Does the land of Magog refer to Russia?
2. Is Ezekiel giving an end-time prophecy in the above passages?
3. Are there any clues or reasons today that would indicate that Russia would attack Israel?