Post was from TracyRN (sorry Tracy, your post disappeared after an upgrade but I retrieved it):

I am married with 2 kids. Thankfully I graduated college and started my career before having kids. I love my husband but I question why his headship is needed for the relationship. Back in the biblical days, maybe it was needed because women weren't as educated and did not work like the men. But nowadays, is that good and relevant?
There's nothing in the Bible that mentions why the man is the head of the relationship. It doesn't mention any socioeconomic reason, at least.

You asked if it's good, and I would say that having the man take the head role can be practiced in a good way. Of course, it can also be practiced in a bad way and we have plenty of examples of that in individual cases or even in entire cultures where women are suppressed. I would only be against it if it wasn't possible to practice that in a good way.

I think of it like this. Both sexes have their strengths and weaknesses. If the strength of the guy is to take the head role or to lead in some of the biggest or important areas of the relationship (protection and finances?), then why not? Even in some same-sex relationships, you can find that one partner has the strong personality and takes the lead.
Post from TracyRN (original post removed after a software upgrade):
The reason I asked if it is still needed is because women have also shown that they can be good with finances. Divorces are common and women would suffer if they just let their husband take over the finances and he decided to divorce. I am sure that was the case in biblical times.
I can offer my personal view, but it would not be relevant here. The best way to answer your question is to see what's allowed under Christianity., I see nothing in the Bible that says that a woman can't work or have her own finances. I believe it was only 'custom' for the woman not to work, but customs or cultural norms tin the Bible are a matter of description, and not prescription.

However, I still don't see room in the Bible for the wife being the head of the relationship. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a guy. ;)