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It seems that when people think of Trump's immigration plan will be a total nightmare for immigrants. Many believe that Trump's immigration plan will involve massive roundups of illegal immigrants... round ups from state to State, and placing them in concentration camps. American citizens being enlisted to track them down and call an immigration hotline to have them reported. Basically there's no safe place for an illegal immigrant. To be fair, much of this impression comes from Trump's own rhetoric.

Personally, I am for enforcing immigration laws but I disagree with the way Trump would do it assuming that what he says during press conferences, is what he'll do. He seems to want to do it in a cold way when that is unnecessary especially when we're dealing with mostly with people who are just looking for better lives.

For Discussion..
- What do you think Trump's immigration enforcement policy will be?
- Do you believe that he will have mass amounts of deportations?
- Do you think it will be as bad as the media is portraying it?

For instance take a look at this interview, or even the news reporters seems scared for the immigrants...
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For now, i will just say, I just hate the extremes.

Seems like President Biden took one extreme by getting rid of the remain in Mexico policy and did a good number of "catch-and-release" of immigrants into the US. But then you have Trump going through another extreme by closing the border, halting refugee programs, and possibly planning to start a mass deportation effort (although some of this is just based on his rhetoric and remains to be seen if it will be his policy).

What's left out is the humanity and intelligence of dealing with this situation. We can't let everyone in or at least not in the unorganized and easy way that some criticized Biden for, but then we shouldn't treat these people like dogs or criminals to be rounded up without seeing how we can deal with them in a humanely way, up to granting amnesty. I'd rather "pardon" an illegal immigrant with no crime convictions while in the US than to pardon all of these people that Trump and Biden have been pardoning recently.
Here's a humane touch to the situation that was addressed directly to President Trump. It included LGBT community and immigrants.
It seems that when people think of Trump's immigration plan will be a total nightmare for immigrants. Many believe that Trump's immigration plan will involve massive roundups of illegal immigrants... round ups from state to State, and placing them in concentration camps. American citizens being enlisted to track them down and call an immigration hotline to have them reported. Basically there's no safe place for an illegal immigrant. To be fair, much of this impression comes from Trump's own rhetoric.

Personally, I am for enforcing immigration laws but I disagree with the way Trump would do it assuming that what he says during press conferences, is what he'll do. He seems to want to do it in a cold way when that is unnecessary especially when we're dealing with mostly with people who are just looking for better lives.

For Discussion..
- What do you think Trump's immigration enforcement policy will be?
- Do you believe that he will have mass amounts of deportations?
- Do you think it will be as bad as the media is portraying it?

For instance take a look at this interview, or even the news reporters seems scared for the immigrants...
Trump likes to posture, but im sure he also realizes our need for immigrants, so i suspect that his actions wont really match his rhetoric?
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Agreed @bbyrd009

I think he likes to control the narrative in the media, as well. It always gets me how easy it is for the media to take the bait as well :LOL:
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Well, here goes another move that involves freezing the asylum process for migrants at the border...

Reporting by CBS:
Washington — Citing President Trump's extraordinary move to close the American asylum system, U.S. border agents have been instructed to summarily deport migrants crossing into the country illegally without allowing them to request legal protection, according to internal government documents and agency officials.

Internal government documents indicate that, as of Tuesday night, the president's "full" 212(f) authority was being implemented across Texas' border with Mexico, making nearly all migrants who arrive there subject to quick expulsion. The documents cite the public health-related 212(f) authority that applies to "aliens that traveled through a country with a communicable disease."
Two Customs and Border Protection officials, who requested anonymity to discuss internal guidance, said migrants will not be allowed to see an immigration judge or asylum officer under Mr. Trump's edict, which effectively suspends U.S. obligations under domestic and international law to ensure people fleeing persecution are not returned to danger.

The Biden administration enacted its own asylum restriction last June, also citing the 212(f) authorities. While that order disqualified most migrants crossing the southern border illegally from asylum, it still gave them the opportunity to plead their case before asylum officers if they expressed fear of being harmed once deported.

Former President Joe Biden's asylum restrictions also had a major exemption: they did not apply to migrants waiting in Mexico who used a government smartphone app, known as CBP One, to request a time to enter the U.S. at an official border entry point.

I just hate that this is not confirmed by the White House, and involves sources speaking in anonymity. But if true, I agree with Trump's policies in this case since it applies only to immigrants that are attempting to enter the country. But I still disagree with some of Trump's views when it comes to how he's dealing with immigrants who are already established in the US.
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Another escalation in policy - workplace raids... if talks of deportations didn't scare immigrants, well targeting them at their workplaces would...

NBC News
New Jersey officials and immigrant rights advocates blasted federal immigration authorities for conducting a workplace raid on a small business in the city of Newark without a warrant.

The Newark raid that happened on Thursday took place at Ocean Seafood Depot, a seafood wholesaler in the city. A witness who spoke with WNJU, Telemundo's TV station in New Jersey, said he saw armed officers wearing uniforms with ICE's initials arrive a little before noon.

"Everybody’s afraid because we don’t know if this is normal," said the employee, who only identified herself by her first name, Eugenia.

“None of these people were rapists or murderers or criminals,” Baraka said about the people picked up in the Newark raid.

I'd like to know if the policy is to target any illegal immigrant at any work site or were those arrested in this raid had crime convictions. Mayor Baraka said they weren't murderers or criminals but I question how he would've known that.

Sadly, this will actually create an environment for illegal immigrants to be abused more. I used to work in hotel hospitality 10 years ago or so, and I personally witnessed some of the maids being mistreated. A few of them I knew were immigrants. But the sad thing is they would work for very low wages and long hours, and perhaps if there was any pay discrepancy, they were too scared to report it for fear of being deported. I wish we would stop playing politics with this issue.
Trump likes to posture, but im sure he also realizes our need for immigrants, so i suspect that his actions wont really match his rhetoric?
I responded to this but think differently now.

What Trump is doing is try to create fear with his rhetoric. I think he knows that deporting every single illegal immigrant, including the ones that have not committed any additional crimes after entering the US, would be unpopular and could get a negative spin in the media. So with his rhetoric he's making it appear that he'll go after every single immigrant while that's not his policy.

I may be wrong of course. There are reports of recent workplace raids. NOt sure if those involved criminal activity or if he's really plan to go around investigating every report of illegals working at some company.
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We are having a little trade war with Colombia apparently all because Colombia refused an American flight that was returning illegal immigrants...

Reported by the AP:
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Sunday ordered an increase of import tariffs on U.S. goods in retaliation to a similar order announced hours earlier by President Donald Trump.

The tariffs fight follows Petro’s decision to reject two U.S. military flights carrying migrants to Colombia. Trump, in a social media post, said the rejection “jeopardized” national security in the U.S.

Petro condemned the practice, suggesting it treated migrants like criminals. In a post on social media platform X, Petro said Colombia would welcome home deported migrants on civilian planes, saying they should be treated with dignity and respect.

Colombia's decision follows one by Mexico, which also refused a request last week to let a U.S. military aircraft land with migrants.

"The U.S. cannot treat Colombian migrants as criminals," Petro wrote, noting that there were 15,660 Americans without proper immigration status in Colombia.

Petro's comments add to the growing chorus of discontent in Latin America as Trump's week-old administration starts mobilizing for mass deportations.

Brazil's foreign ministry late on Saturday condemned "degrading treatment" of Brazilians after migrants were handcuffed on a commercial deportation flight. Upon arrival, some of the passengers also reported mistreatment during the flight, according to local news reports.

I think this is a cause for concern as I suspected that many would be against Trump's style of immigration enforcement. I could agree with Trump that immigration laws need to be better enforced but I also believe that illegal immigrants need to be treated as good humans and not criminals (exception would be those that have committed crimes beyond just immigration matters).

And sadly, Trump did not respond well, although I also believe the Colombian government did not respond well. You would think one of the two men would stop the pettiness and talk, but I know Trump usually doesn't apologize and can lash out so I put the blame more on him.