Skepticism is among one of the biggest attributes for a rational mind, but I also believe that we should also have a healthy dose of open-mindedness. In my view, it is not good to be so open-minded to the point of believing anything, but it is also not good to be so skeptical that you believe nothing or even very little. Becoming too extreme in either case can inhibit knowledge and it's just not practical to follow.

With that said, what have you found to be good ways to be reasonably open-minded?
With that said, what have you found to be good ways to be reasonably open-minded?
Some times when I've found open-mindedness to be good is when I'm considering a viewpoint that goes against some of my beliefs. This happens a lot even in discussions or debates that I have online. In considering my opponents view, I oftentimes find that their view is not completely wrong so I find myself incorporating some of their strong points within my view and coming up with a new viewpoint.

So I would say being open-minded in this case helped me be receptive to new information (even the info. that go against my pre-existing views) and it helps me to be able to change and/or amend my view.