I guess it's really boils down to style in my view. Would God care if I only pray as much or include as many details as someone else? Should I pray for baking a cake or pray that I can pay the rent? I would think the former would be a waste of God's time, but that's just me given what Philippians 4:6 says.
God wants a relationship with His people. Having children of my own helped me tremendously to understand. I love it when my adult kids talk to me. I like hearing about their day; I like when they ask my advice. Many times, my son will call or text and ask for my help. Since he lives next door, I am there in just a minute. My daughter, who lives 1/4 mile from us, will call my wife or me for help and we're right there to help. That's how God is. He likes to hear from us even if He already knows what's going on because He wants that relationship. So I don't believe there's anything too big or too small to talk to God about.