Multicolored Lemur

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Atheist / Agnostic
Nov 23, 2021
Pray that your child will have a good day. Pray that his or her teacher has a good day.

She said, "This won't make making the lunch any faster."

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I say this kind of Zen mindfulness or Christian mindfulness is good, but a little goes a long way. :)
although this does sound like a good thing to have for your skill quiver, and if the day starts to get unraveled and you start to get frazzled,

can help to turn things around
When I was a Christian, I used to have a thought that God does not care to hear about mundane prayers, like praying that cake comes out good or that you cross the road okay. I mean I know the Bible says that God can do anything, but I would think he would more likely grant a prayer about something important before he grants one about some mundane thing.

I could be wrong, but the type of things that I used to hear Christians praying about used to annoy me.
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When I was a Christian, I used to have a thought that God does not care to hear about mundane prayers, like praying that cake comes out good or that you cross the road okay.
and curiously, God is maybe more concerned about the cake than about the safety. ;)

I guess some devout Christians treat God like a best friend or older favorite sibling or favorite Aunt or Uncle.

Maybe if you're trying to spend 50% of your time praying for other people, or 40% which is kind of a light half. Thus might be the more realistic, achievable goal. Or when things are falling apart just 20% about other people,

this might be a more mature spiritual path. And then it's okay to include the little things.

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* at the end of the day, I'm an atheist, I really am. But I am interested in issues of meditation, flow, fully embracing life, etc.
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This is about the closest passage that speaks on prayers that are annoying to God, lol

Matthew 6:7
7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Interestingly, when I asked Googled "stupid prayers", their Ai search responded with something insightful:
The Bible does not explicitly say anything about "stupid prayers", but some say that God answers prayers based on intent and motivation, not just what is said.
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Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

That's good information to have. I had to get out the NASB and I was surprised to find a different meaning for Matthew 6:7 than what I quoted earlier.

NASB says this:
7 And when you are praying, do not use thoughtless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. 8 So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

NiV says this:
7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

In the NIV, the meaning is more open so I thought that talking too much in your prayers could fit with that. But then the NASB specifies "thoughtless repetition".

I guess it's really boils down to style in my view. Would God care if I only pray as much or include as many details as someone else? Should I pray for baking a cake or pray that I can pay the rent? I would think the former would be a waste of God's time, but that's just me given what Philippians 4:6 says.
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I guess it's really boils down to style in my view. Would God care if I only pray as much or include as many details as someone else? Should I pray for baking a cake or pray that I can pay the rent? I would think the former would be a waste of God's time, but that's just me given what Philippians 4:6 says.
God wants a relationship with His people. Having children of my own helped me tremendously to understand. I love it when my adult kids talk to me. I like hearing about their day; I like when they ask my advice. Many times, my son will call or text and ask for my help. Since he lives next door, I am there in just a minute. My daughter, who lives 1/4 mile from us, will call my wife or me for help and we're right there to help. That's how God is. He likes to hear from us even if He already knows what's going on because He wants that relationship. So I don't believe there's anything too big or too small to talk to God about.
Should I pray for baking a cake or pray that I can pay the rent? I would think the former would be a waste of God's time, but that's just me given what Philippians 4:6 says.
but your cake turning out particularly well can put you in a brimming, optimistic mood which lasts half a day! :)
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I guess it's really boils down to style in my view. Would God care if I only pray as much or include as many details as someone else? Should I pray for baking a cake or pray that I can pay the rent? I would think the former would be a waste of God's time, but that's just me given what Philippians 4:6 says.
God wants a relationship with His people. Having children of my own helped me tremendously to understand. I love it when my adult kids talk to me. I like hearing about their day; I like when they ask my advice. Many times, my son will call or text and ask for my help. Since he lives next door, I am there in just a minute. My daughter, who lives 1/4 mile from us, will call my wife or me for help and we're right there to help. That's how God is. He likes to hear from us even if He already knows what's going on because He wants that relationship. So I don't believe there's anything too big or too small to talk to God about.
That's a good analogy to understand why God would be okay with the same level of communication.
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