Moral standards are changing nowadays. About 10 or more years ago, if you asked a couple if going to strip clubs was okay, you'd probably get an emphatic no. But nowadays, especially with younger couples, the answer to that is likely to be yes for a lot of couples. Personally, I'm against it because I don't think i could be good in that situation, but that's just me. I'm curious what the biblical position would be on the issue.
For Debate:
1. What is the Christian position on strip clubs? Is it a sinful or wrong for a Christian to go to one?
2. And looking at it from the actions of the women, is it wrong to strip for men? What about for your spouse or significant other?
For Debate:
1. What is the Christian position on strip clubs? Is it a sinful or wrong for a Christian to go to one?
2. And looking at it from the actions of the women, is it wrong to strip for men? What about for your spouse or significant other?