Moral standards are changing nowadays. About 10 or more years ago, if you asked a couple if going to strip clubs was okay, you'd probably get an emphatic no. But nowadays, especially with younger couples, the answer to that is likely to be yes for a lot of couples. Personally, I'm against it because I don't think i could be good in that situation, but that's just me. I'm curious what the biblical position would be on the issue.

For Debate:
1. What is the Christian position on strip clubs? Is it a sinful or wrong for a Christian to go to one?
2. And looking at it from the actions of the women, is it wrong to strip for men? What about for your spouse or significant other?
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Can a Christian go to a strip club? Sure they can. However, a Christian who is walking close to God, will not want to go to a strip club. People who have a close relationship with Christ will avoid sinful places and practices. Lust leads to illicit sex and that separates a person from God.

Now I believe what a husband and wife do to enjoy their sex life is fine as long as it’s kept between them.

Ah yes, I forgot about the thought crimes and I'm not being sarcastic in anyway. I just was thinking of sin from the stand point of actions, and thought you can look but not touch.

Here's another good answer that would help someone answer the question in the OP:
Sin can be defined as any thought, word, or deed that “falls short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Rather than ask whether something is “wrong,” we should ask what is “right” about it (see Philippians 4:8). When wondering whether an activity is sinful, it is simpler to ask ourselves, “If Jesus were spending the week with me, would I do this?” If the answer is “no,” then the event in question is most likely sin. Since the whole purpose of strip clubs is to celebrate lust, sensuality, perversion, and immorality, there is no question about whether or not Jesus would condone it. The environment of a strip club is contrary to the character of Jesus and those who want to follow Him. The only reason that a Christian could righteously be in a strip club would be to minister to the people trapped in that lifestyle.

Jesus went even further, explaining the intent behind the Law: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:27-28)
But nowadays, especially with younger couples, the answer to that is likely to be yes for a lot of couples
However, a Christian who is walking close to God, will not want to go to a strip club. People who have a close relationship with Christ will avoid sinful places and practices. Lust leads to illicit sex and that separates a person from God.

Strip clubs are boring and stupid.

The best part is the freeing feeling as I’m driving to a strip club. Everything else is disappointing.

Through the “tip out” practice, the women have to pay for each shift they work. They make money through $20 lap dances, might be more these days.

Some of the women will offer oral sex because they need to make money. Bizarrely, some men think of this as not “really” cheating. To me, it’s squarely cheating.

If you let a woman sit down with you, socially, you are kind of stuck for at least one $20 lap. The alternative is to be abrupt and maybe say, “I have to make a phone call,” and you stand up and leave the table.
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Lust leads to illicit sex
Somewhere I read, that one particular evangelical Christian recommend placing a towel over a hotel TV held in place by his Bible!

Look, the hotel porn just ain’t that good! And I can’t think of a way better that would build it up to a major temptation.

This is where I think tightly-would Christians build up sex, and end up conflating regular sex with abuse. So, within the last 5 years, we had the scandal of major Baptist churches sweeping abuse under the rug.

At one recent big Southern Baptist Convention, the membership went against the leadership and voted to hire an outside group to look into it.

Look, I’m not trying to “get” Christians. I’d much rather have them follow best practices at preventing and responding to abuse.

And —

I think there are at least 2 types of happiness, the quiet, warm type and the “wolf in the throat” attempts at pleasure and adventure.

And boredom can erode pretty much all good intentions.
This is where I think tightly-would Christians build up sex, and end up conflating regular sex with abuse. So, within the last 5 years, we had the scandal of major Baptist churches sweeping abuse under the rug.
I wouldn’t expect non-Christians to see the harm in porn or strip clubs. Sex is great when enjoyed in its God-given context of one man and one woman. Believers who are guided by the Holy Spirit will avoid situations that provoke to lust.

As far as the abuse within Baptist churches, I personally believe every person convicted of such crimes should be executed. I have zero tolerance for child abuse.
in its God-given context of one man and one woman


These 12 male children became the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. With the interesting side story of Judah and Israel splitting down the road.

So, what biblical principle of one man and one woman ? ! ?

Certainly not in the Old Testament.


In the New Testament . . .

Jesus seems to advocate celibacy a lot. Plus, I think Paul was unmarried and said it’s better to marry than burn. Meaning, marriage is second best.

And then, there’s the absence of the positive.

Nowhere does Jesus say, husbands and wives, be considerate of each other. Hold back a harsh word etc , etc.

For example, Jesus could have said, your wife has dealt all day with children and that’s enough to drive anyone crazy. But he didn’t.

Jesus could have said, your husband has been out in the world, maybe someone has tried to cheat him, perhaps even someone he thought was a friend. But he didn’t.

Later edit —
Leah also gave birth to a named daughter, Dinah. And in an extended family this size, there were most probably other daughters as well.
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So, what biblical principle of one man and one woman ? ! ?

Certainly not in the Old Testament.
In Matthew 19:4–6 Jesus quotes from Gen. 2:24 to show that from the very beginning God’s plan was for one man and one woman. The fact that Jacob fathered 12 kids with four different women does not mean that was God’s plan any more than Cain killing Able was God’s plan.

Where exactly did Jesus advocate celibacy?
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@Scooter I think we have a fair amount of agreement. For example, it looks like the “sexual revolution” has too often meant insta-relationship. So, someone gets stuck with a really inappropriate boyfriend or girlfriend, which might transition to an inappropriate hubby or wife, just because they’ve already jumped into bed.

What is lost is the fine art of dating.

Another topic …

Some mothers absolutely wage war on their teenager daughter because she’s interested in an inappropriate boy. The mother might be right! He might be a real lout of a boyfriend. Or, he might just be a boy from a different background.

But there has to be a better way. Because some mothers and daughters never recover from this. All through the rest of their lives, maybe even through grandkids, the original mother and daughter remain guarded, partial friends, perhaps even half-friends. It’s sad.

And avoidable.

Maybe just thinking it thru in advance and some skills on the topic of dicey boyfriend. I’d love to be able recommend a movie or two which has a scene showing a positive example of this.

PS I’ll put in my thinking cap about where Jesus may have advocated celibacy. He was unmarried.
and whatever religion is closest to the truth . . .

We can have lives with meaning, adventure, and spice. For example, volunteer organizations, and a volunteer organization can be as unorganized as anything else.

After he retired, my Dad tried to get involved as a volunteer with “Meals on Wheels.” Several weeks into it, someone didn’t come to the door like they normally did. My Dad wanted to check up on them, calling the police if need be to gain entry. The people running this particular chapter seemed most concerned about bringing back the meal before it went to waste ! ? !

It turned out, the person was fine. They had just neglected to tell Meals on Wheels that they had a doctor’s appointment.

The group decided my Dad was a bad volunteer. I think they felt he wanted to run the group. And on that one, they were largely correct!
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