Insightful article by spiritual teacher Eknath Easwaran on the still mind as perceived from the Hindu and Christian religious philosophies...

A still mind is divine
In comparing the mind to the sea, I...recall those walks my wife and I used to take every day around Lake Merritt in Oakland, California. Usually, the wind ruffled the water, and all we could see was the surface. But on rare mornings when there was no wind and the lake was absolutely calm, we...
There is a popular misconception that to still the mind is to become a zombie or robot. It is just the opposite. The calmer and stiller the mind becomes, the more we can realise in our daily lives our true birthright of security, joy and tireless energy to work for the welfare of those around us.
Meher Baba, a well-known saint of modern India, used to say that a mind that is fast is sick, a mind that is slow is sound, and a mind that is still is divine. This is what the Bible means when it says, 'Be still and know that I am God.' ~ Eknath Easwaran