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Multicolored Lemur

Well-known member
Atheist / Agnostic
Nov 23, 2021
Both should be legal.

Swinging is spouses having sex with others with the full knowledge of each, often in the same room in front of the spouse. It’s supposed to “save marriages,” but I think it more often wrecks them. Or, if a marriage that fall down is probably on the way out anyway.

Some couples like adventures, do it for the “right reasons,” practice good communication. And their adventures deepen the love. More power to them, but I think this is relatively rare.

With free speech . . .

“A good Lie can get halfway around the world before the Truth even gets its boots on. But the Truth has a way of catching up.”

Nope. I don’t see it.

This is just so much wishful thinking.

For example, just too many of my fellow citizens have gone from anti-mandate to anti-vaccine. And not by looking up quality information as if they’re really interested in the subject. But mainly just from cute little memes on Facebook and other “social” media.

By the way, I’ve heard the above quote attributed to Mark Twain. But other sources say, No, falsely attributed to Twain. A bunch of other people have said something similar, the kind of thing Twain might have said, but no really strong evidence he said it.

PS People are so primed with anti-censorship arguments, Please, by all means, get it out of your system. For example, tell me— Hey, I’d trust even a crappy news source rather than the government. I don’t want the government to have a monopoly. Etc.

Amen. I agree.

But in this thread I’d also like to discuss how free speech frankly . . . is a big disappointment.
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I like the analogy of swinging because it’s bold and brave. It totally re-conceptualizes marriage.

And it may only occasionally work.
For example, just too many of my fellow citizens have gone from anti-mandate to anti-vaccine. And not by looking up quality information as if they’re really interested in the subject. But mainly just from cute little memes on Facebook and other “social” media.
Yeah, I think the problem is that free-speech protects misinformation and false speech. I get that the first amendment plays a function of protecting unpopular speech, but to just allow any speech is a solution that goes too far. I think that speech that is demonstrably false should not be allowed nor protected.

We should allow and protect only speech that is factual. And beliefs should be allowed in areas where no facts are available, but then it would help if we make clear that such beliefs are opinion.
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I get that the first amendment plays a function of protecting unpopular speech, but to just allow any speech is a solution that goes too far.
The market is supposed to provide a solution. For example, why would I go to a news source which wasn’t credible? In theory, I wouldn’t.

But social media is just for a joke and a laugh.

Back in the day, people liked how Rush Limbaugh used to riff on topics. Most if it I think was true, but my God, it was the politics of distraction.
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“ . . Between 2003 and November 2024, the World Health Organization has recorded 948 cases of confirmed H5N1 influenza, leading to 464 deaths. . “

“ . . As of February, 2024 there have been very few instances of human-to-human transmission, and each outbreak has been limited to a few people. . ”


This would be an example of politics for adults. What I mean is, Covid is the barest tap on the shoulder.

Seeing the loss of life from Covid, as well as the economic disruption, yes, we should spend the money ahead of time to develop a vaccine to H5N1, to have in reserve.

Plus, we should probably require poultry workers to get the vaccine, but executives and owners should lead by example and also get vaccinated. And vaccines are an area in which the average man and the average woman have extremely high safety standards. And in general, I think we should embrace this. We should try to meet their high standards and be very honest about the process.


A thousand cases over 20 years, but the potential is there. If that human-to-human transmission develops ….. well, it’s a small number times a large number. Maybe unlikely, but really bad if it happens.

We should view Covid as if the Earth has a close call with an asteroid strike.
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I get that the first amendment plays a function of protecting unpopular speech, but to just allow any speech is a solution that goes too far.
The market is supposed to provide a solution. For example, why would I go to a news source which wasn’t credible? In theory, I wouldn’t.

But social media is just for a joke and a laugh.

Back in the day, people liked how Rush Limbaugh used to riff on topics. Most if it I think was true, but my God, it was the politics of distraction.
Largeley agree!

Some analysts believe social media and alternative news sources had some impact on Donald Trump winning. This might have been the year of social media, particularly Twitter and Podcasts.

Sadly, the market usually goes with what consumers are looking for (give'em what they want so-to-speak, even if it's not good), and what consumers are looking for is not always truth. Oftentimes many are simply looking for information that they already agree with or that is compatible to their politics. For instance, the CNNs and MSNBCs are said to have loss viewers, but I'm willing to bet that means that where at one time they had both Republicans, Democrats, and all others tuning in, now they only have mostly Democrats. Many of those on the right and others have probably abandoned those networks for the networks that fit their views, which also explains why alternative media (podcasts and radio news) have far more Conservatives/Independent than Liberal owned media.
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the CNNs and MSNBCs are said to have loss viewers, but I'm willing to bet that means that where at one time they had both Republicans, Democrats, and all others tuning in, now they only have mostly Democrats.
When everything taught in business school is about managing a growing business. Or, most everything taught. That’s considered to be the norm.
the CNNs and MSNBCs are said to have loss viewers, but I'm willing to bet that means that where at one time they had both Republicans, Democrats, and all others tuning in, now they only have mostly Democrats.
When everything taught in business school is about managing a growing business. Or, most everything taught. That’s considered to be the norm.
Yeah, I'd see some problems with that. I'd want to skill to step in and manage a business from the ground up that way I don't chicken out when things start going south!
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step in and manage a business from the ground up that way
80% of new businesses fail. Yes, 4 out of 5 new businesses will go out of business. That seems to be the baseline stat I’ve seen in a number of businesses.

It sounds like you might be gaming it out and having fun, like I sometimes do.

Or, if and when you do it, I wish you luck. And that your only problem is hiring a good CPA! :) which means the business is successful

In fact, I’d even draw an analogy with someone trying to make a living as a professional poker player. How many buy-ins do you have, either tournament or cash game.
Or, if and when you do it, I wish you luck. And that your only problem is hiring a good CPA!
That is very good advice esp. when it comes to paying Uncle Sam. I don't run a business but I do end up using a tax specialist who I consider to like a CPA but just for my taxes.
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